The spammers and fraud artists are getting smarter

Twice in the last month, I almost clicked on a very dangerous link.

One of them alleged to be from “,” saying

You have received a postcard from a family member!

You can pick up your postcard at the following web address:

When I put my mouse over the link to see what the site was, it showed up as a web address with an executable file. The extension was .gif.exe.

Needless to say, I did not click.

But that’s the second time I came close to clicking on a dangerous link like that. Be very, very careful with your email. If it isn’t from someone you know and trust, don’t click on it — and even then, be careful. Many Outlook-based viruses spread that way.

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One Response to The spammers and fraud artists are getting smarter

  1. i just sent a few epostcards .. thats it. cant do it no more.

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