
I’m sorry, folks. I’m just tired. New job, not enough sleep, and a phone interview for another job with more responsibilities and more pay for a longer contract time. Of course, they called me on my cell, and of course, the effing signal dropped right as the interviewer said,”I ask this question of all the candidates…”

That’s why I was sitting in my parking lot. I scheduled the call for the time between my day job and teaching religious school, and drove home, because it’s between my day job and my synagogue. I switched to a land line for the rest of the interview. It went well, but I was very clear to them that I couldn’t leave my current employer in the lurch and would have to finish out the job.

Anyway. Not much time left in the evenings, and no time during the first days of a new job to do anything but, well, work.

I’ll try to get up a bit earlier tomorrow and schedule a few more posts to run throughout the day. But I’m too tired to write anything tonight.

Crap. I have to write up something for the podcast tomorrow, too. I was going to write about International Eat an Animal Day for PETA, but I’m thinking it’s still cartoon time. And I don’t mean Bugs Bunny.

Ooh. Hm. Maybe I can work him into my next podcast.

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2 Responses to Tired

  1. Oh good. Then I can focus on a totally superficial subject like our soccer team changing names.

  2. So I understand congratulations are in order? When do you start?

    And re the cartoons? Eh… maybe it’s time to forget them?

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