The divestment backlash

All is not well in Presybterian DivestmentLand. Seems not all Presbyterians hate Israel. Gee. Who knew? (Well, we did, but they didn’t listen to us.)

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – Five regional bodies in the Presbyterian Church (USA) are calling for a modification or end to the church’s attempt to pull investments from companies working in Israel.

The regional bodies, called presbyteries, have drafted proposals, known as overtures. Each overture differs slightly, but all call for a modification or withdrawal of the divestment policy because it is biased against Israel in favor of the Palestinians.

The moves come almost two years after the Louisville-based denomination started a process of selectively divesting in multinational corporations operating in Israel.

Church officials said they still are negotiating with such companies and will have no position when the recommendations come up at the church’s General Assembly in June. That would push any action on the measures to its next assembly in 2008.

The really funny part of the article is this one:

The church’s assembly approved its divestment policy in 2004. The measure is aimed at pressuring Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian territories.

Gee, you mean like they did in Gaza? You know, the action that the PC-USA Church came out with a statement in support of Israel as a result of the withdrawal? Oh, wait. That was Alternate Universe PC-USA. In this universe, they said nothing.

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3 Responses to The divestment backlash

  1. David Foster says:

    “negotiating with such companies” means “attempting to intimidate such companies into establishing their own foreign policy, which would be based on that of the church instead of that of the US government.”

    If I ran such a company, I think I’d have a little contest. Every year, the regional sales manager who does *worst* on quota achievement gets a special, 1-year assignment. He will be in charge of “negotiating” with religious and other moonbat organizations on foreign policy issues….Should be a terrific incentive.

  2. Ted says:

    With the PC-USA losing hundreds of congregants each week, I would have to say that its parishoners are voting with their feet.

    The feckless PC-USA leadership are protecting their pensions, worshipping mammon instead of the Almighty.

    The real question is when the faithful will cast them out of their ‘temple’.


    for details visit:

  3. J. Lichty says:

    Seems to me like their intimidation ploy has the appearance of working, although they have competition on who can take credit for Israel’s retreat from Gaza. So far it is the Hamas that has reaped the most reward.

    Won’t the Gaza retreat just embolden more boycotts?

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