10 questions for Al Gore, the Saudi whore

This is my penance for having voted for Gore in 2000: Seeing him shill for the Saudis at the Jedda Economic Forum, bashing America for oil money. And I thought it was bad enough that the Bushes are in the Saudis’ pockets.

I have ten questions/statements needing Al Gore’s response:

1. Who is funding your appearance at Jedda?
2. You say:

Arabs in the United States had been “indiscriminately rounded up, often on minor charges of overstaying a visa or not having a green card in proper order, and held in conditions that were just unforgivable.

Please explain the “unforgivable” conditions. Names, places, and conditions, please. Details required.
3. Do you think that lawbreakers (e.g., those who are in America with an expired visa) should be allowed to break U.S. law with impunity? (You may not use the “Clinton did it” excuse.)
4. Please explain why you think it is all right for foreigners to break the laws of the land. (You still may not use the “Clinton did it” excuse) ((Oh, please, he did so break the law, he friggin’ perjured himself)).
5. Please explain what you mean by “terrible abuses” in this statement:

“Unfortunately there have been terrible abuses and it’s wrong,” Gore said.

Specific cases are required. Names, places of abuses, kinds of abuses.

6. Are you out of your effing mind?
7. No, really, are you?
8. You do remember that you are an American, don’t you?
9. So, you never really intend to get elected ever again, do you?
10. See six. Repeat.

It sure seems to me that the Democrats never want to be in power again. Either that, or Karl Rove’s mind-control machine is working.

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5 Responses to 10 questions for Al Gore, the Saudi whore

  1. Li'l Mamzer says:

    Al Gore is dropping any pretense of being a freedom-loving and decent American citizen. He is giving up on himself just like George Costanza did when he wore a sweatshirt and matching sweatpants all day.

    This turd has lost his moral compass. There are other ways he can cash in and get fat without having to go to the Mecca of evil in the world and flirt with sedition o the enemy’s turf.

    I can’t believe I voted for him in 2000. I can’t spit enough to get the bad taste out of my mouth now.

  2. Scott says:

    Rove Ruelz!

  3. J. Lichty says:

    How long before Howlin’ Howard, and Waffle Boy try to out do him?

  4. Karl Rove’s mind-control machine?

    Since when it is Rove’s? I mean, some people might be offended here.

  5. jonny says:

    Al-Gore the Saudi Whore


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