The Yourish Diet Plan

I have developed the ultimate diet plan.

Go to the hairdresser’s. Sit in front of a mirror for 45 minutes, staring at yourself and saying, “Holy crap! Why didn’t anyone tell me I got fat?”

I am so getting on the exercise machine when I get home tonight.

I mean, I started the food part of the diet this week. But man, am I going on the Gazelle Glider tonight. And tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that.

I think I’ll buy a full-length mirror and put it on my bedroom door. I’ve been planning to for a while. Now, I’ll do it. That’ll keep me on track.

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10 Responses to The Yourish Diet Plan

  1. cond0010 says:

    err… do I dare post a comment on this thread? :)

  2. Yes. An encouraging comment that tells me I can get on the diet and exercise plan and stay on it.

    Anything else, you’re on your own, buster. But I will point out that I know the owner of this site, and she can be pretty mean when she’s angry.

  3. More power to you on the diet front, Meryl. I, too, have gazed into the mirror and realized that someone has gone and um… “rounded all my corners.”

    You can do it. You WILL do it. You know how to put off what you want at the moment for what you want most.

    I’m having lots of success low-carbing. I’ve lost weight AND my appetite has been nicely curbed to where I’m only hungry around mealtimes. It helps that I love cheese. Should you go that route, be sure to ask me about chupaquesos…

    (Oh, and any time I post anything about me dieting on any of my sites [of which there are too many, at last count] I always let people know that non-encouraging comments will be moderated into an unkind sort of oblivion, including, but not limited to alteration of the post such that it reflects badly, and with evil hilarity, on the person making the comment.)


  4. Sabba Hillel says:

    You might find this of interest

    Eat What You Want, When You Want

    By: BYU News on Dec 05 2005 09:14:28

    Counting calories isn’t the best way to lose weight, according to a new Brigham Young University study that suggests that an approach toward food called “intuitive eating” is better at producing lower cholesterol levels, body mass index scores and cardiovascular disease risk.

    “The basic premise of intuitive eating is, rather than manipulate what we eat in terms of prescribed diets – how many calories a food has, how many grams of fat, specific food combinations or anything like that – we should take internal cues, try to recognize what our body wants and then regulate how much we eat based on hunger and satiety,” said lead researcher Steven Hawks, a BYU professor of health science, who adopted an intuitive eating lifestyle several years ago and lost 50 pounds as a result.

    In a small-scale study to be published in the Nov. 18 issue of the “American Journal of Health Education,” Hawks and his team of researchers — Hala Madanat, Jaylyn Hawks and Ashley Harris — identified a handful of college students who are naturally intuitive eaters and compared them with other students who aren’t. Participants were then tested to determine how healthy they were.

  5. cond0010 says:

    Yea, whatever Howard said. Yea.

    (*sniffs the air for ozone*)

  6. cond0010 says:

    Don’t worry Meryl, dieting is tough. Most everybody has to face it sometime in their life.

    I used to swim with people who were conscientious of their weight. By swimming with others, it made it easier just ot make it to the pool.

  7. Actually, I have a very successful diet and exercise plan. I take most of the junk out of my diet, change anything fried to oven-roasted, eat baked or grilled chicken instead of chicken prepared with oil, and exercise.

    If I want ice cream once in a while, I have it. Ditto to potato chips. But I cut out nearly all the junk food and try to stick to three meals a day and healthy snacks. It works for me.

    It isn’t that I’m a non-intuitive eater. It’s that I will not stop eating the chips or the chocolate or the candy. Somehow, my off-switch got broken in the last few years.

    So now it’s Fudgesicles instead of chocolate, and pretzels instead of potato chips. And exercise. I stopped exercising. Not conducive for losing weight.

  8. Robert says:

    Meryl, don’t you still rock climb?

  9. The Doctor says:

    Sad to say, a lesson I learned from chemo is that “a beard conceals a multitude of chins.”

  10. Lizzie says:

    I don’t think a beard would suit Meryl, though.

    Nobody told me I’d gotten fat, either – I’ve never weighed myself on a regular basis and I always got compliments on the way I looked, so I didn’t notice anything amiss. Until I saw a photo of myself sat next to a girl I’d traditionally thought of as my “fat friend” (oh, come on, we all have one) and I was nearly the same size as her.

    Anyway, I’ve lost three stone since August, and I’m eight stone again. I’d recommend less processed food (I don’t have commercial wheat flour any more, which does limit my choices, but it’s worked) and more olive oil. I have about two or three tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil a day as my main mean is usually something stir-fried with lots of chilli. And rice. Rice is your friend – high in protein, but still starchy enough to fill you up! Surprisingly, as long as they’re a low-fat variety, potato chips are quite good for you – all they are is potatoes, oil, and salt, so they are easy for your body to process. And as long as you have them in moderation!

    You already do plenty of exercise, don’t you?

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