Random embarrassing thought

There is simply no dignified way to adjust a wedgie.

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7 Responses to Random embarrassing thought

  1. Hugh Schatz says:

    …and to think, women criticize us when we scratch a little bit, Meryl.

  2. I’m not getting your drift, Hugh. I mean, all I did was mention something that’s, well, true.

  3. Hugh Schatz says:

    I’ll retract my comment, Meryl, before I get into more trouble.

  4. The Doctor says:

    Isn’t that what significant others are for?

    [DON’T repeat that to my wife…]

  5. Well… that’s like saying there’s no dignified way to use the toilet. SURE there is: you shut the door so nobody can see you.

    Dignity is an illusion best maintained through the use of lots of closed doors.

  6. This post is clearly a trap, and I shall avoid to go into the subject at any costs.

    Although I have an oldish Israeli joke on precisely same… No, no way.

  7. cond0010 says:

    This post a trap? Hmmmm… kinda reminds me of a very clever forum moderator a few years back.

    In a previous forum that I attended, there was a serious problem with trolls coming in and causing… well… trouble.

    So… the moderator made a post that stated VERY CLEARLY that if ANYONE POSTED to that thread, they would be PERMANENTLY BANNED from the forum.

    Needless to say, there was a veritable stampede of trolls elbowing there way to that post to get banned. They were also very entertaining about it too (“Goodbye cruel world.. I can’t take being in this forum any longer… snifff”).

    I never thought trolls could be so entertaining, and yet so eager to get themselves banned so easily.

    Pure Unadulterated Genious. Troll Crack presented by a Pied Piper of the Internet.

    I just wish I kept a copy of that thread.

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