The faces of the victims

The last suicide bombing in Israel, who had no name as reported by the AP or Reuters news services, had a name, a life, and a friend who writes a weblog.

The last time I saw Lt. Uri Binamo was last May, in a house in Carmel. He was spending a day off from the army by accompanying his parents – old and dear friends of my own – as they paid a shiva call to my family. Although his parents have three beautiful daughters, he was their only son and so he came along to provide strength and support. His head was shaved and he was wearing a simple white t-shirt with a Magen David Adom emblem printed on it. I remember thinking him warm and friendly – later I would learn that he often spent his furloughs in hospitals visiting sick and wounded soldiers. My memory of his visit is poignant and pointed – for the last week and through today, his family has been sitting shiva in memory of him.

Read the whole thing.

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