Hamas says: If elected, we’ll still destroy Israel

A few days ago, there was an article in the Jerusalem Post that I ignored. Here are the salient parts:

Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip on Thursday dismissed as “unacceptable” a call by the Quartet to exclude from any future Palestinian Authority cabinet members of any group that is not committed to Israel’s right to exist.

However, some Hamas leaders hinted that the movement would endorse a “pragmatic and realistic” strategy once its representatives join the PA establishment. They argued that the international community’s fears of Hamas’s rising power were “unjustified and exaggerated.”

Hamas leader Mahmoud a-Zahar said he did not rule out the possibility that his movement would even negotiate with Israel in the future. His remarks, like those of other top Hamas leaders, are seen as an attempt to send a message to the international community that would soften its position after next month’s parliamentary elections.

Sources close to Hamas told The Jerusalem Post that some of the movement’s leaders, who met recently in the Gaza Strip with EU representatives, stressed that Hamas was in the process of transforming into a political party.

The reason I ignored that? Because the palestinians have learned how to lie to the public to get what they want while they continue to murder Israelis and try to destroy the state of Israel. And yesterday, buried deep within an article about the chaos at the Rafah crossing, was this news:

Hamas’ political chief said Friday that the Islamic group’s decision to run candidates in the election did not mean it was willing to end its armed struggle against Israel.

“We will enter the parliament and (engage in) political work … without giving up one inch of Palestine,” Khaled Mashaal said in a speech in Damascus, Syria, marking the 18th anniversary of the founding of Hamas.

Followed yesterday night by this:

The political chief of Hamas, the militant Palestinian group, has said the organisation would participate in upcoming legislative elections but would not negotiate with Israel, vowing to continue its armed struggle against the Jewish State.

“We will enter the parliament and engage in political work without giving up one inch of Palestine,” Khaled Mashaal said in a speech marking the 18th anniversary of the founding of Hamas.

[…] He said he rejected US and other demands to disarm and said: “We will show America, Israel and the international community… . We insist on combining the resistance with politics without compromising.”

“We will engage in politics in another language, without necessarily negotiating with the enemy,” he said.

Mashaal said his group would not stop its armed resistance until all the territory claimed by the Palestinians is free from Israeli occupation.

The last two paragraphs of the AP story are important, because they put the lie to the European claims that Hamas can be negotiated with, or turned into a political body that will stop murdering Jews. So of course, the AP puts those grafs at the end of the story–they’re the eighth and ninth–knowing full well that many local newspapers cut the story about four paragraphs in. Yes, even when the AP admits publicly they will continue to murder Jews, the AP whitewashes it.

Hamas is a terrorist organization every bit as evil as Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda will not stop until militarily defeated.

Neither will Hamas.

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5 Responses to Hamas says: If elected, we’ll still destroy Israel

  1. Lil Mamzer says:

    The practical difference between Hamas and the PA regarding a sovereign Jewish homeland is in methodology, not ideology. It’s still unbelievable to me that so many people around the world still buy into the lie that what the PA (Fatah, PLO, etc., etc…) really want is an independent state next to Israel, but far fewer if any believe that Hamas does. Therefore, for the Palestinian Arabs to finally suffer the complete defeat they and we need to actually move forward towards any peace, perhaps there is some utility in having the PA being taken over by Hamas.

  2. Cynic says:

    Some more about Hamas’ true intentions should be least shoved into Congress’ face to counter all that “Israel is reponsible for the plight of Christians in Bethlehem” BS:

    Bostom: “Democrats” For Jihad and Jizya

    Interviewed by Wall Street Journal reporter Karby Legget (and published in the December 23-26 edition The Wall Street Journal), Hassam El-Masalmeh, who heads the Hamas contingent at the municipal council of Bethlehem, confirmed the organizations plan to re-institute the humiliating jizya, a blood ransom Qur’anic poll-tax (based on Qur’an sura [chapter] 9, verse 29), levied traditionally on non-Muslims vanquished by jihad, and forced to live under Islamic Law (the Shari’a). Under the Sharia’s regulations, either the non-Muslim infidels must convert to Islam, or they pay the jizya—classically, in a humiliating public ceremony which often involved blows to the head or neck—and their life and belongings are protected.

    See, no better than those Mafia protection rackets at best.
    So what will Rice say about her democratic experiment of letting Hamas take part in elections and the future of any Christians remaining?

  3. Ben F says:

    HAMAS will gladly negotiate with Israel about what Israel should give–water, electricity, free passage, release of prisoners, and the like.

    What is not negotiable is permanent concessions by HAMAS that would recognize Israel’s right to exist as a sovereign Jewish state. Of course, you won’t get those from FATAH either.

  4. Michael Lonie says:

    Hamas wants war to the knife? Israel should oblige them. It’s about time the Palestinian Arabs were requited for their constant violations of international law.

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