Canada’s non-shift at the UN

Remember a few weeks ago, various bloggers were pointing out Canada’s intent to stop voting for anti-Israel resolutions at the UN? And after the votes, the Canadians said they’d done what they set out to do? Well, I looked at the voting records and realized that they had lied, and intended to write a post about it. There’s an op-ed in the JPost about it, so now I don’t have to.

The great pro-Israel shift is a hoax – a well-orchestrated charade that has fooled both sides.

It all started on November 13 when Prime Minister Paul Martin spoke to an overwhelmingly Jewish audience at the General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities (UJC) in Toronto. “We will continue to press for the kinds of [UN] reforms that will eliminate the politicization of the United Nations and its agencies,” he declared, “and in particular, the annual ritual of politicized anti-Israel resolutions.”

[…] As of December 8, all the General Assembly votes were cast and the facts speak for themselves. Of the 17 resolutions in this year’s “annual ritual of politicized anti-Israel resolutions,” Canada voted against Israel 11 times, down from 12 in 2004.

By comparison, the United States voted against Israel zero times, and Australia four times.

Wow, that’s some change in policy that Canada has committed.

Color me unimpressed.

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2 Responses to Canada’s non-shift at the UN

  1. Actions speak louder than words.

  2. Even if some of my good friends are Canucks, I must say it: most of them are nothing if not zombified by all that excellent grass they produce and use.

    Not having to care about lots of things in the world, aside of dressing warm for the weather, what would you expect?

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