Belated credits

I’ve been looking for someone whose name I didn’t recognize for a couple of weeks now. I couldn’t remember where I knew him from, thought maybe one of Lair Simon’s readers took him up on his suggestion and bought me a birthday present. Today, I came across the Amazon receipt again, and saw what I’d missed the first time.

Dr_Funk sent me the Fellowship of the Ring soundtrack CD.

Thanks, Doc, and my apologies for the lateness of this thank-you note. I was looking for your alter ego, and couldn’t find him anywhere.

And thanks also to Rahel, who emailed me three Jewish elephant jokes, all of which I laughed at. I told you, I like elephant jokes. I wasn’t exaggerating. And Jewish elephant jokes are even better than regular ones.

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3 Responses to Belated credits

  1. russ says:

    So? Are you going to share the jokes?

  2. The Doctor says:

    A Jewish elephant walked into a bar; nothing particularly funny happened. This joke has been brought to you by the NBC Department of Standards.

  3. Why do ducks have webbed feet?

    To stamp out forest fires!

    Why do elephants have big round flat feet?

    To stamp out flaming ducks!

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