The condemnation of Mahmoud Abbas

The AP and other news services were full of variations on this theme:

Abbas condemned the attack and promised an especially harsh response by his security forces.

Here is the actual statement:

“These operations against civilians cause the greatest damage to our committment to the peace process, and the Palestinian National Authority will not show indulgence towards anyone who is found responsible for this operation,” the statement said.

I don’t see the condemnation, and I don’t see the “harsh response” threatened. What I do see is yet another way to refuse to condemn the attacks as barbaric.

I suppose we should be grateful he actually used the word “civilians,” but as I can’t read Arabic, I’m willing to bet that the Arabic site says no such thing.

New face, same old crap.

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5 Responses to The condemnation of Mahmoud Abbas

  1. Lil Mamzer says:

    Posted below (on an earlier thread) is a link to a report that Abbas has approved official PA monthly payments to families of suicide bombers, to the tune of $100 million annually, in total.

    Why is Abbas still alive??????

  2. Pingback: Swanky Conservative » Blog Archive » Leave it to the Associated Press

  3. Yankev says:

    According to Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld and Alyssa A. Lappen, hours before Abbu Mamzer “condemned” the bombing, he signed a law awarding lifetime stipends to the families of any Palestinian who blows himself (or herself) up in the course of murdering Jews. Somehow the subsidy speaks louder than the 1/2 hearted condemnation — except of course to the AP, Condi Rice or Shimon Peres.

  4. Cynic says:

    Lil Mamzer,
    The question should rather be:
    “How the hell can Bush and Rice continue supporting Abbas by giving him a pass on his obligations under the Roadmap accords and financing him to the tune of millions of US taxpayer dollars?”.

    At first glance they have a moral lapse with respect to their declared intent;
    that Israel’s obligation under Bush’s Roadmap also includes its citizen’s blood.

  5. Lil Mamzer says:

    Cynic –
    I take it for granted that Bush and Rice will give Abbas, like Arafat before him, and surely whomever follows Abbas, a pass. That’s just them sticking to their game plan of pretending the PA is legit and not a bunch of terrorists.

    It’s the Israeli government’s responsibility to seek out and kill terrorists wherever they can find them. In Abbas’s case, the address they can find him is the Muqata in Ramallah.

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