Is there anybody out there?

So, should I just get rid of the concept of being a blogger and think of this site as a frequently-updated website?

Because nobody links to me anymore. And few people comment. And yet, my stats are up significantly in the past few months.

I don’t understand….

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10 Responses to Is there anybody out there?

  1. AndrewBare says:

    Well, on that note, and in the category of the aforementioned blatant egotism, I do hope you won’t begrudge me linking to my own column in the UF paper:

    I’ve written far better, especially on Israel, but hey, deadlines are bitches.

  2. Christopher Johnson says:

    I still link to you. For what that’s worth.

  3. Kav says:

    The commenting might be something to do with the hassle of creating an account and logging in. I understand why you did it and personally don’t mind, but I can easily see that more casual visitors might read the blog but not bother commenting if it is more than a couple of clicks away.

    As to linking. Write sometning wirth linking to. Only joking. I have linked in the past and will do so again, not that I would be sending much traffic your way. The thing is that it is all topic orientated, it must be something relevent to the trash I write.

  4. Hi Meryl,

    We are here and watching. Pity I cannot (or don’t know how to, which is more likely) link a picture to this comment, but you are familiar with that eye of the Elders/Illuminati.

    Be of a good cheer!

  5. oceanguy says:

    I hope this comment makes it, but more than a few times I’ve had buggy experiences while logging in to comment… the page has asked me to register or has told me I wasn’t recognized… At one point I was told to sign in but there was no way to get to the sign on screen… at least I missed it… all after I was registered. I use Firefox, if that matters to you.

    Still, a loyal reader. Thanks.

  6. Christopher, yes, it means a lot that you still link to me.

    But the blog ranking systems have decided that permalinks aren’t worth ranking anymore. They want to know who’s linking now. That’s why I get so bummed about my site rankings. Having a loyal daily readership apparently is not enough.

  7. Oceanguy: There was no sign-on screen because of a mistake I made. It was fixed.

    Little-known fact: readers can comment without being registered. It won’t post unless I approve it. That’s how the spammers get past the rules.

    They can also use all bogus information. I don’t care, as long as you’re not abusive. That’s in my comments policy, a link to which is in every post.

  8. Yael says:

    You, at least, are a large mammal.

  9. Tony says:

    Sorry Meryl.

    Recently been busy debating with “anti-Zionists” on a NZ-based weblog – plus experiencing the joys of a new job. I shall try and visit more, and also leave comment. You have precious gifts that you selflessly share – your conscience and your integrity.

    Thank you for welcoming us into your circle.

  10. Michael says:

    I read your blog almost everyday. I just do not have a lot to comment on my own. Stumbled on to you from a MILBLOG link about 6 months ago. I like the mix of discussion, cats, and your humor.

    This post is just to remind you that some of us are not as naturally eloquent as others. And just because we dont say much doesnt mean we dont appreciate those who do it well.


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