My journey into American post-modernism

I have entered post-Modern American society. Yesterday, I picked up a prescription of Valium. For Tig. To try to end his neurotic episode that’s causing him to lick himself compulsively, thus eating more hair than usual, thus causing him to throw up a hairball nearly every day (sometimes twice a day!).

That’s right. Valium. For my cat.

Actually, it was the generic, and cost only five bucks. My allergy medication cost twelve times what I paid for the Valium knockoff.

For my cat.

I think I’m embarrassed.

Yep. I’m embarrassed.

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4 Responses to My journey into American post-modernism

  1. There have been times when I’ve pondered letting Piper go on Valium or Buspar.

    But she’s much more interesting without the stuff messing with her pretty little kitty head.

  2. chsw10605 says:

    Valium? What next, THC-derivatives for lack of appetite?

    You’ve got a cat with mishegas. A mishugakitty.


  3. Elmira Viking says:

    $5.00 for Valium ?. If you ever, God forbid, need Valium, you better get it from Tig’s vet.

  4. No, $5 for the generic Valium. Diaza-something.

    On the other hand, I may never see what Tig looks like on Valium. He seems to be calming down with the small things I’ve been doing for him instead. Much less compulsive washing.

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