Words of truth come even from liars

In the midst of this Sami al-Arian tongue bath on, of all places, the despicably anti-Israel Counterpunch, the author unwittingly gives us more ammunition to believe that al-Arian is part and parcel of Islamic Jihad, from al-Arian’s own words:

Al-Arian’s thoughts on the cause of his prosecution – or persecution – were tops on my agenda. And, had he lied to me and others about his involvement with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad?

“I didn’t tell you and others everything,” he said. “I said I was part of a movement. Some parts of the movement went one way, some another. That was true. But I didn’t tell you other things, but I promise you someday I will.”

[My notes from several interviews show that when I asked Al-Arian if he was a member of the PIJ, he responded, “No.” However, he always expanded that answer by saying he was part of a broad intellectual movement, in which some of the people became violent and others didn’t.]

If it walks like a duck…

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One Response to Words of truth come even from liars

  1. Lil Mamzer says:

    How could you stand to read through that vile garbage? I had to look and see the context of your excerpts. The author would love to make Al Arian a cause celebre in the mold of convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu Jamal.

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