Not even Yossi Beilin recognizes Hamas

Yossi Beilin, as far left as you can get in Israel without turning into a Chomsky, the architect of the horrendous (and failed) Oslo Accords, says that Israel should not allow Hamas to take part in the upcoming elections.

When even Yossi Beilin says they’re a terrorist organization–they are.

Mind you, the article is full of the usual claptrap about how the PA is weakened due to attacks on infrastructure, but still–even Yossi Beilin says that Israel should not treat with Hamas.

But still, the EU and the US say she should, even though the US recognizes that Hamas is a terrorist organization.

QUESTION: What do you make of the statement by Hamas over the weekend that it’s halting all attacks against Israelis? Do you welcome this statement? Are you taking it with a bit of skepticism? Do you think this is enough to calm the recent violence that happened over the weekend?

MR. MCCORMACK: Well, again, our views about Hamas as a terrorist organization are well known and unchanged. And I would note that before making this statement they launched a rocket attack, in which several missiles landed in Israel and injured a number of people.

Yes, so why again should Israel facilitate elections in which Hamas is a part?

I never thought I’d ever agree with Yossi Beilin. First time for everything, I suppose.

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One Response to Not even Yossi Beilin recognizes Hamas

  1. Cynic says:

    But still, the EU and the US say she should, even though the US recognizes that Hamas is a terrorist organization.

    Why is anyone surprised at this? Rice’s mentor, Dejirian is Baker’s right hand and she is just resurrecting Baker’s policy for the region.

    Of course all this blather just portrays the Bush Administration in an even poorer light as it just encourages the extremism in Iraq and the Palestinian areas. The State Department cannot get it into its thick skull that the people of the region only understand tough action and not contradictory statements, especially when delivered by women, and infidels at that.
    If an Arab treats his woman worse than his camel can one imagine taking advice from one?

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