The stupidity of dealing with Hamas

Two separate articles prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Hamas will never become a political party as we currently define the term. Of course, if you want to change “political party” to include, “will also wage war and kill civilians,” then Hamas fits in perfectly.

Exhibit A:

TML: What is the final goal of Hamas?
A-Z: If you ask any Palestinian or Muslim, wherever he lives – in America or in Britain or in Indonesia – he would tell you that according to the religious point of view, this land is part of the Arab and Muslim nations. This means, that there is no other option but to reunify this land once again.

TML: What is ‘this land’ that you are talking about? Are you talking about the whole of Israel?
A-Z: I understand where you are headed, and I will answer you. First of all this Palestinian land, and all the Arabic nation, is all part of the same area. In the past, there was no independent Palestinian state; there was no independent Jordanian state; and so on. There were regions called Iraq or Egypt, but they were all part of one country. That is why it is not permitted to [agree to] establish separate countries, which was the case after the Sykes-Picot Agreement [1916]. Our main goal is to establish a great Islamic state, be it pan-Arabic or pan-Islamic. Therefore, it is not allowed to establish an Arabic state over the land of Palestine alone. Also, remember this land is still occupied. To sum up, the Islamic and traditional views reject the notion of establishing an independent Palestinian state. The European example is clear. Europe’s history is filled with wars and blood. Its races are varied, its languages are varied, and nevertheless it established the European Union. The Islamists’ view, which Hamas adheres to, is that a great Muslim state must be established, with Palestine being a part of it. Within this state, Israel has no place – its history is different, its language is different, its religion is different, its culture is different, and its security and political affiliations are different. This is the view of Hamas movement.

TML: Is Hamas ever going to recognize the state of Israel?
A-Z: Let me ask you a question, does the Egyptian people recognize Israel? No. That is why it did not normalize relations with Israel. This is not a view held only by Hamas. This is a view held by anyone who believes in Islam.

Exhibit B:

The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, said that it rejects to become a political party after the upcoming Palestinian Legislative Elections.

Mosheer Al Masry, Hamas media spokesperson, said that the movement will not transform into a political party as long as the Palestinian territories are still occupied.

“We decided to participate in the elections as part of our legitimate struggle against the occupation”, Al Masry said, “Resistance is a legitimate and strategic right, Hamas will not disarm”.

I think that Hamas is making its goals more than clear. Ignoring them is not just at Israel’s peril, because a group like Hamas wouldn’t stop at Israel if (God forbid) it ever managed to achieve its goals. Europe would be next. And then America. But of course, Jews first.

Sound familiar?

It should.

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One Response to The stupidity of dealing with Hamas

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    Yes, but that’s only the military wing, Meryl. The humanitarian wing of Hamas offers hot breakfasts to school children, health care, and sponsors Little League baseball, so isn’t it spiteful of the Israelis to refuse to negotiate with it?

    By the way, there are several websites where you can read English translations of Hamas’s charter and I recommend people do so. The incitement to kill Jews, not just Zionists or Israelis, is not hidden. Hamas accepts “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” as a real document. But the high point…if that’s the word…is that they blame Jews for the French Revolution, both world wars, and…the Rotary Clubs.

    Yes, apparently the Rotary is part of the international Jewish conspiracy. I can only fall back on Anna Russell’s assurance to her audience in her lecture on Wagner: “I’m not making this up, you know.”

    Incidentally, the Detroit News rotates an op-ed slot on Saturdays to local religious leaders. The imam who takes his turn once referred to Sheik Ahmad Yassin, the founder and “spiritual leader” of Hamas, as a man “overflowing with love of humanity.”

    And he may well have been, subject as usual to the Bensky Corollary to Everything–“overflowing with love of humanity…except for Jews.”

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