Science proves it: Men are slobs

“Anything you can do, I can do better/ I can do anything better than you!”

The lyric from Annie Get Your Gun is utterly borne out by the latest study, wherein it is proven that men are slobs.

In a recent telephone survey, 91 percent of the subjects claimed they always washed their hands after using public restrooms. But, when researchers observed people leaving public restrooms, only 83 percent actually did so.

Only 75 percent of men washed their hands compared to 90 percent of women, the observations revealed.

By the way, the worst offenders? Atlanta Braves’ fans. Remember that next time you’re in Atlanta, and wash your hands a little longer. Oh, and use a paper towel to open the bathroom door. Thirty-seven percent of the men (and sixteen percent of the women) who went through that door before you did not wash their hands.

Let the fireworks begin.

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8 Responses to Science proves it: Men are slobs

  1. Sarah G. says:

    That is why I never touch anything in a public washroom after I wash my hands. My children get to heard continiously say “No touch! Don’t touch anything!” when they accompany me.

    Oh and shirt tails are good for the door handles when there are no paper towels.

  2. Elisson says:

    I’m surprised the percentage is that high. People are slobs; men worse than women.

    I observed that, at a movie theatre in Shreveport, Louisiana, perhaps half the men washed their hands after using the restroom. (No, I’m not a pervert – I was waiting for my turn.) Feh.

    Reminds me of an old story concerning a Harvard man and a Yale man who were using the facilities side-by-side. Upon finishing, the Yale man headed straight for the door, and the Harvard guy called out after him, “At Harvard, they teach us to wash our hands after we urinate!”

    And the Yalie shot back, “At Yale, they teach us not to urinate on our hands!”

  3. BrooklineDan says:

    Thanks, Elisson…

    …at which point a third man walks in, wearing a Notre Dame sweatshirt. He goes directly to the sinks, washes his hands, and then heads to the urinals. The Harvard and Yale men look at him strangely, at which point he smiels and explains, “At Notre Dame, they teach us to wash our hands before we touch a sacred object”.

    What was that again about slobs?


  4. Sabba Hillel says:

    Another reason to teach children to say the brachah “Asher Yatzar” after leaving the bathroom. One cannot say a brachah until after the hands have been washed.

  5. Paul M says:

    Long acquaintance with dogs has taught me that they have revolting habits. Cats too, despite the snow-job they give us regarding their supposed fastidiousness. I have often wondered what this says about people, that we choose them as our closest companions. So, since men are such slobs, what does it say about women, that they are so keen to hang out with us?

    P.S., Sarah: Oh and shirt tails are good for the door handles when there are no paper towels. And when you’re not using it on the door handles, what does your shirt-tail sit in closest proximity to? ;-P

  6. Alex Bensky says:

    “I can do anything better than you.” Oh, yeah? We can piss across a room, Meryl, and few in any women can do that.

    Besides,what’s the problem. I was at a restaurant the other night and the sign in the men’s room said “Employees Must Wash Hands.” See? I wasn’t an employee.

    Women…geez. Most of you don’t even observe the five-second rule. And as to the usual state of my apartment, hey, I’m a bachelor. It’s cute when I live like this. If I were a woman it would be slovenly. I didn’t make the double standard, I just live by it.

  7. Michael Lonie says:

    People are slobs. Science, well Archaeology, proves it. Do you know what an archaeological site really is? A garbage dump, formal or informal. When archaeologists find an formal garbage dump at a site like a tell, they are ecstatic. See Trude and Moshe Dothan’s account of excavating Ashdod in “The Sea Peoples” where the excavators dug a trench, by happy accident, through the town’s garbage dump.

  8. Sabba Hillel says:

    I sometimes get scared when I see the “Employees must wash hands” sign in a restaurant. It sounds as if they need to be reminded.

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