Closing the open-door policy in Gaza

The border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip is under control—for now.

In the heady hours after Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza last week, thousands of Palestinians bypassed the terminal and stormed the border wall, visiting long lost relatives, buying cases of cheap cigarettes or just enjoying a brief vacation along Egypt’s Mediterranean coast. Some smuggled weapons into Gaza, Palestinian officials said.

Egyptian and Palestinian border guards repeatedly failed in their efforts to end the chaos and close the border.

On Sunday, all the gaps in the 10-mile border wall were finally sealed, and 2,000 security personnel fanned out across the border, effectively closing it, said Adnan Barbach, a spokesman for the Palestinian National Security Forces.

The Palestinians were working with Egypt to make sure that the people who had previously scrambled over the border could return home, he said.

“The chaos that existed here is over,” Abbas said after touring the now-quiet border.

Really? Are you sure?

Palestinian police were seen patrolling the border road Sunday. With breaches in the border wall sealed, angry Palestinians were forced to turn back, threatening to return with Hamas militants and homemade rockets.

One can only hope.

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One Response to Closing the open-door policy in Gaza

  1. Eric J says:

    How much of a bribe do you think it takes to get through? I’m guessing a falafal, half a joint or six rounds of ammunition.

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