
Looks like I can squeeze a few minutes out of the day to post during my lunch hour.

Of course you realize this means I expect all of you to do your part as well.

Comment. Link. Things like that.

Especially links. I’ve decided I want this blog to get back up where it used to be in the various ranking systems.

You think I should post naked pictures of Tig and Gracie?

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6 Responses to Lunchtime

  1. Piper shed her collar 2 days ago. She’s been on the cam ever since.

    Does this make her a live naked pussycam?

  2. Sarah G. says:

    Whatever you do, don’t shave them. I don’t want to see a naked Tig.

  3. Rahel says:

    Feline nudity is fine. But no denuded felines, please.

  4. Tig had his belly shaved years ago for an ultrasound. I found out that he’s got tortoise-shell markings underneath, and he’s gorgeous. I’d shave him again only for that, but he had to be unconscious first, and I’m not willing to foot the bill for that on top of the grooming.

    So no worries. Tig keeps his fur. At least, the parts he doesn’t give to me every day. Ptha! Cat hair!

  5. loniem says:

    Nude felines? The horror, the horror!

  6. Mog says:

    Think they should wear their fur coats but definitely post kitty pics.

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