More freedom of religion, palestinian-style

The Presbyterians, the Baptists, the Methodists, um, I’ve lost track of how many and which sects of Christians are urging divestment in Israel because of her “oppression” of the palestinians.

Meanwhile, palestinian Muslims oppress Christians and the world’s Christians ignore it.

At least 14 houses belonging to Christian residents of Taybeh, a West Bank village northeast of Ramallah, were torched by Muslims from neighboring Dir Jarir on Sunday, to avenge what they termed the dishonor of a Muslim woman.

According to Taybeh residents, several dozen young men from Dir Jarir descended on their village before dawn, torched the homes and destroyed a great deal of other property.

“The young men, who were holding Molotov cocktails, threw them at the houses, which began to go up in flames, one after another,” said Buthaina Sha’aban, a Taybeh resident and the sister of the town’s mayor. “They vandalized parked cars and beat village residents who went out into the streets. Entire families were thrown into the street after their homes were torched. Not much remains of their property. We urge all international, Israeli and Palestinian actors to intervene and protect village residents from the Muslim rage.”

The attackers also torched stores, a farm and a gas station. The latter fire was put out before fuel tanks exploded. Palestinian Authority policemen who arrived on the scene also managed to save the village’s famous beer factory.

By the way, these were imported angry young Muslims:

Later, the Palestinian governor of the Ramallah area visited the scene to try to soothe tempers, as did several senior Christian clerics. Most Taybeh residents are either Catholic or Greek Orthodox.

PA security sources said that the rampage was triggered by an incident last week in which a 23-year-old woman was killed by her relatives because they suspected her of carrying on a romance with a Christian man from Taybeh. The woman was quickly buried, but last Tuesday, the PA police exhumed the body for an autopsy.

Scenes like this simply reinforce what anyone with half a brain knows to be true: The Muslim world—and that includes nearly all palestinians—will never accept anything less than Muslim control of “Palestine.” There will never be a peace agreement. Not while the world continues to pretend that this elephant is not in the room.

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7 Responses to More freedom of religion, palestinian-style

  1. Funny you found the time to change the looks of the Admin page before your main page… heh.

    Anyway, you may be interested in what I wrote about the subject – it, afterall, manage to infuriated the linguistically-challenged resident Islamist of the Malaysian blogosphere (my response here). Granted, infuriating them is rather easy.

    Oh, BTW, go to Options> Permalinks and pick something more search engine-friendly.

  2. Rob@L&R says:

    The first international terrorist act that I remember was the kidnapping and murder of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, 33 years ago today.

    Since then, the palestinians have done nothing to change my view of them as sub-human.

  3. Sabba Hillel says:

    Actually, the Muslim world will not even accept Muslim control of “Palestine” either. Even if they succeed in wiping out the Jews and the Christians, they will begin to wipe each other out as well. As each group of “other” is wiped out, they will redefine unacceptable behavior more and more narrowly until they wind up like the Kilkenny cats of the poem of that name.

  4. Elisson says:

    Who put the “Pal” in Palestinian?
    ‘Cause the pals are no pals of mine.
    Seems all that they do
    Is to try to kill Jews
    And drive Israel into the brine.

  5. Rob, I don’t like it when the word “sub-human” gets used around here. There is a point where criticism devolves into racism, and that’s the point. Please refrain from using that kind of terminology.

  6. Rob@L&R says:

    My apologies, Meryl.

    I understand it’s your blog and your rules, so I will honor your request.

    I do, however, stand behind the remark.

    Humans do not cheer and dance when 3000 people are vaporized.

  7. Doug H. says:

    Modern day Christian anti-semites have it good–they can indulge their anti-semitism without having to actually sully their hands with Jewish blood–because they know the Muslims will do it for them.

    Bloody hypocrites.

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