Spinning Jew hatred

YouGov took a poll of British attitudes towards Jews, which found that 45% of Brits hold anti-Semitic attitudes towards Jews. They also surveyed British Jews about how safe they feel in Britain. The following are the resulting headlines of those polls (see end of post).

Take a good, long look at the weasel-wording of most of the headlines. The poll “suggests” Brits are anti-Semitic. The poll that gets the headline is the one in which the majority of British Jews feel they have no future in Europe–not that 45% of Brits hold anti-Semitic attitudes. They reverse the cause and effect, which is a standard tactic of the media when dealing with Israel. Israel bombs Hamas, the headlines scream–noting five paragraphs down that they bombed Hamas in response to rocket or shooting attacks. That is exactly what these stories are doing about British anti-Semitism. British Jews fear they have no future in Europe, most headlines say. Oh, and by the way, nearly half of all Brits are Jew-haters. You know who has the right to concentrate on the Jewish attitudes? The last two headlines, which are from Jewish newspapers, who would naturally report the attitudes of Britain’s Jews first.

Here’s the Reuters lede:

(Reuters) – A quarter of Jews in Britain have considered leaving the country in the last two years and well over half feel they have no long term future in Europe, according to a survey published on Wednesday.

Additionally, anti-Semitic beliefs are widely prevalent among the wider public with 45 percent of Britons agreeing with at least one anti-Semitic sentiment, the YouGov poll for the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) group found.

The AFP story is the same. I can’t find an AP story on the poll. I will not be surprised if they ignore the story.

And in a commentary on the attitudes of Jew-haters worldwride, I leave this screenshot from the last lines of the Daily Mail‘s story.

Not accepting comments on artical about anti-Semitism

The headlines:
Almost half of Britons hold antisemitic view, poll suggests
The new anti-Semitism: Majority of British Jews feel they have no future in UK, says new study
Many ‘hold anti-Semitic views’
Survey shows anti-Semitic views are common among Britons
Anti-Semitic views held by half of Britons, poll suggests
45 per cent of Brits hold antisemitic views and one in four British Jews have considered leaving the UK
Warning over rising tide of anti-Semitism in Britain with one in eight people claiming that Jews talk about the Holocaust to get sympathy
Most British Jews feel they have no future in Europe – poll
Majority of British Jews Polled Feel They Have No Long-Term Future in Europe
Nearly half of British Jews fears community may not have long-term future in UK
Poll: Most British Jews feel they have no future in Europe

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