News I can woo!

I had a bone density scan done this morning, because my mother suffers from very bad osteoperosis.

I do not have it.

That is SUCH a relief. Bad enough I have her arthritis (and it’s in the lower three discs of my spine). At least I don’t have that part of her genes.


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7 Responses to News I can woo!

  1. JayTea says:

    Oh, the innuendos this inspires… but I’ll behave myself.


  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Doesn’t mean a thing. It depends on when it showed up in your mother. The talmud says that a person should worry about his life when he gets within five years of his mother or father.

  3. Elisson says:

    The Missus gets hers tomorrow. Glad your results were good!

  4. Pamela says:


    That is good news! I had mine a few years ago and no sign either.
    If you want to avoid osteoperosis, keep soda intake to an absolute minimum.

  5. Well, I had a physical last month and discovered I have a vitamin D deficiency, so that, on top of the arthritis I got from my mother’s side of the family, was worrying me. I’ll tell you what, it lit a fire under me, thinking I had osteo. Or hip problems. I finally rejoined the gym I quit in December, after checking out a few others in the neighborhood. Been back on the diet, too, so I should be able to drop the pounds I put back on in the last couple of months. Funny how the aches and pains disappeared almost immediately after exercising again. Elisson, hope Mrs. Elisson gets results as good as mine!

    Pamela, I’ve already dropped my Coca-Cola consumption to at least half of what it used to be. I’m not giving up any more.

  6. Sabba Hillel, it’s likely my mother will live to her late nineties. I don’t think I want to wait another forty years before figuring out if I inherited my mother’s ailments. I already know I have her family arthritis.

  7. Sabba Hillel says:

    What I meant was that it also depends on when it showed up in your mother. It is likely to show up in you about the same time of life. If she had no symptoms until later, then it would probably not show up in you until later.

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