
The Russians were for Goldstone before they were against it: Let’s see how this one plays out—Russia says it will not push the Goldstone report to the Hague from the Security Council. I will believe it when I see it. Oh, to be a fly on the wall during that session.

Obama abandons the victims of genocide: Now our president is turning his back on Darfur. He’s committing to a “softer” approach to Sudan. Because hey, it totally fits with the Obama foreign policy: Screw our allies, and give breaks to all our enemies. Even the ones that like to rape, torture, and murder with impunity. So, to the 78% of Jewish voters who voted for Obama, how’s that feeling about now? I mean, Jewish voters make up a large part of the save Darfur movements. Feeling proud of your guy, still?

Only Israel can violate UN resolutions: UNIFIL is still “investigating” those explosions in southern Lebanon, trying to determine if they’re in violation of UN Resolution 1701, which forbade Hezbollah from arming south of the Litani. But there is no such hesitation whatsoever in calling out Israel.

Williams said the use of drones was an obvious violation of Lebanese sovereignty and resolution 1701 “and not particularly helpful at a time of obvious tension in the south”.

Israel supplies evidence that Hezbollah is stocking arms, but UNIFIL must investigate. Uh-huh. No bias here. Move along. Nothing to see.

You know what isn’t brave? Criticizing Israel. Hell, everybody does it, and everybody seems to think that it’s a difficult thing to do. Jimmy Carter, Walt & Mearsheimer, and now, the president of Turkey. Because there’s so much negative impact from his countrymen for criticizing Israel. Now, if he stood up and supported Israel—well, that’d be very courageous. Also only in Bizarro World, so let’s not even pretend it might happen someday. It won’t.

Another kassam attack, another day of silence from the MSM: You won’t read about this kassam attack in the AP or Reuters until after Israel bombs a smuggling tunnel or three. Or unless Israel gets a rocket squad. Because it’s obvious that unprovoked attacks on civilians in Israel aren’t newsworthy—only Israel’s response to the unprovoked attacks. This is also one of those things that the Goldstone report didn’t bother to cover—you know, the reason why Israel went into Gaza in the first place. That’s unimportant. Well, maybe if it fell short and killed some Palestinians. I’m sure they’d blame Israel for that.

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3 Responses to Snarkly

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    I broke the habit of a lifetime last fall and voted Republican for president, something I once would have never thought I would do. As I left the voting booth I remember hoping that in four years I’d laugh,c heerfully acknowledge I’d made a mistake, and happily fill in the Obama line on the 2012 ballot. It’s already looking extremely unlikely that I’ll do that, but I never dreamed what sort of policies he’d actually follow.

    As to American Jews waking up one morning and figuring out that they allowed Obama to lull them into voting for him, well, it could happen but only in the sense that it could happen that Lucy Lawless is about to ring my doorbell and ask if she can come in and get out of these wet clothes. Possible but not likely.

  2. Karmafish says:

    I voted for Barack, but it’s highly unlikely that I will do so in the second round.

    The demand for “total settlement freeze” was moronic from the beginning. All it did was give the PA a reason to avoid the negotiating table.

    Pure stupidity.

    I mean, really, what the hell was Obama trying to accomplish by demanding of Netanyahu something that Netanyahu was in no position to give? Was he trying to topple his coalition?

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    Yes, he might have been intending just that. Remember how the Clinton Administration leaned heavily on Israel during Bibi’s previous prime ministership, hard enough to get him out and replace him with Barack. That worked out real well at Camp David, now didn’t it?

    As for drones violating Lebanese sovereignty, sovereign nations are obligated, obligated note well, to prevent their territory from being used for attacks on other states unless they want to carry out actions of war against those states. And if you carry out or allow acts of war against another state that state is fully within its rights to make war back at you. That is true international law, going back centuries. That is what Israel has done, in Lebanon, in Gaza, and in the PA, when Israel has been attacked. Is that too difficult for the morons in the media, the UN, and elsewhere to understand? I guess so.

    If Lebanon is concerned about her sovereignty then the Lebanese can damned well stop Hezbollah from making war on Israel. Otherwise Lebanon hasn’t got a legal leg to stand on. Actual international law supports Israel self-defense, here and in Gaza. And until the anti-Israel sluts of the media and “international community” who mouth claims of Israel violations of that law accept this and start coming down on the real lawbreakers, Israel’s enemies, they can just STFU.

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