Ahmadinejad Jewish? Oy vey, Mahmoud…

Ahmadinejad’s ‘Jewish Family’

Mehdi Khazali, the son of the conservative Ayatollah Khazali, has written on his personal website that he recently learned that President Mahmud Ahmadinejad has Jewish roots. Khazali notes that Ahmadinejad changed his family name from Saburjian, and says that the origins of the Saburjian family in the town of Aradan should be investigated.

Cannot wait for Mahmoud the Mad to start checking with our Interior Ministry the possibility of getting a passport.

We really do need a few carpet weavers here, this ancient craft is disappearing…

But now, when it’s clear to all who Mahmoud really is, I want to say in the name of the Elders: every criticism of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is by definition anti-Semitic.

Hands off Mahmoud, you racist creeps!

Via Z-Word Blog.

Cross-posted on SimplyJews.

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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2 Responses to Ahmadinejad Jewish? Oy vey, Mahmoud…

  1. Amazing, isn’t it, how Israel’s biggest enemies are constantly having to deal with accusations of Jewish roots?

    But it’s anti-Zionism. Not anti-Semitism. Sorry, Snoopy, you’re barking up the wrong genetic tree there.

  2. Tree… capital idea. We’ll start him on picking oranges. Or, maybe, dates – it is much higher…

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