Famous last words

Israel got a top Hamasnik (and watch for the screaming about his wives and daughters, who refused to leave the house after being warned a Hellfire missile was on its way). These are pretty fitting last words:

Wednesday saw Rayyan speak at a Gaza mosque and call on Muslims everywhere to pray for the Palestinians in the Strip. “We do not need money or weapons, we only need your prayers. We can handle the enemy ourselves.”

Way to handle the enemy, Rayyan. May all the rest of your fellow Hamas terrorists do it the same way.

By the way, when the civilian death count goes up as a result of this hit, please remember this is why:

Prior to striking Rayyan’s house the IDF tried to warn his family about the imminent attack and urged them to evacuate the place, but they refused to do so.

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5 Responses to Famous last words

  1. Well put, Meryl. Apparently the strike killed four of his wives and two of his children — all of whom he was using as human shields for the purpose of increasing the “civilian” casualty count.

    I’m sorry about the children, and perhaps about the wives… but when Israel has a chance to take out a senior terrorist, it would be irresponsible to not pull the trigger.

  2. “We can handle the enemy ourselves”….snicker. How’s that working out for ya?

  3. John Bibb says:

    Live by the sword–die by the sword–or by the rocket.

  4. MarkJ says:

    I’m sorry for the kids, but not for the wives. The wives–all of them in my book “cut-rate Eva Brauns”–were willingly–even eagerly–helping poison their kids’ minds against the “eeeeeeeevillllll Jooooos.” This made them Rayyan’s accomplices and, in turn, legitimate military targets.

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