The Times (U.K.) and their regularly-published liar

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. It’s yet another article from Uzi Mahnaimi, proven liar about all things Israel and Iran, with yet more unnamed sources (in this case, “defence sources”) claiming that the Israel-Iran war is imminent.

Iran has moved ballistic missiles into launch positions, with Israel’s Dimona nuclear plant among the possible targets, defence sources said last week.

The movement of Shahab-3B missiles, which have an estimated range of more than 1,250 miles, followed a large-scale exercise earlier this month in which the Israeli air force flew en masse over the Mediterranean in an apparent rehearsal for a threatened attack on Iran’s nuclear installations. Israel believes Iran’s nuclear programme is aimed at acquiring nuclear weapons.

The sources said Iran was preparing to retaliate for any onslaught by firing missiles at Dimona, where Israel’s own nuclear weapons are believed to be made.

The Times keeps publishing this liar, and every time they do, they lose yet more credibility. You’d think the editors would catch on by now. You’d think Israel would protest every time they publish this buffoon’s lies about Israel, especially with those liberal U.K. libel laws. Because I would think that the man who created the blood libel of the “genetic bomb” (that is now used on anti-Semitic conspiracy websites as truth, and by anti-Israel lefties the world over as “proof” that those Israelis are just plain EVIL) wouldn’t be able to keep being published by a paper that used to have a record of credibility and real reporting.

The fact that they keep publishing this man makes me disbelieve most of what I read in the Times. The fact that Ynet publishes this drek as if it’s real news surprises me even more.

Pass the word, please. Liar on Aisle 2.

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