Fullbright followup

The other day it was reported that the State Department was canceling 7 Fulbright scholarship to students in Gaza. Given the way the story was reported, it looked like a pretty obvious attempt of the State Department to embarrass Israel into letting the students leave via Israel.

Now Ethan Bronner reports, that Israel will allow the students to leave and the State Department will reinstate the scholarships. This could have been quietly, but the State Department chose to embarrass Israel with the help of a compliant reporter.

Israel Matzav points out that the students could just as well have left via Egypt. He also refers to the failure of the PA to apprehend the killers of the Americans who went to help give the Fulbright scholarships.

And second, from the standpoint of pure American interests, why is the United States granting Fulbright scholarships to Gazans, while the murderers who killed three of its own personnel who were on their way to interview potential Gazan Fulbright scholars remain at large? That question already has two answers. The US could care less about its own personnel. And the murderers of the US personnel were ‘good terrorists’ from Fatah and not ‘bad’ ones from Hamas.

(Has the United States been sending diplomats into Gaza since 2003 to interview candidates?)

via memeorandum

Thoughts last week on the Fulbright story by Meryl and Jammie Wearing Fool.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

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I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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