My seventh blogiversary

Seven years ago today—months before Instapundit existed—I launched Here’s what I wrote in that first post:

Blogging. The new media term taking the Net by storm. Short for Weblog, to Blog is to put up a web site that chronicles your thoughts, your activities, your life, either in the hopes of enlightening yourself and others, or because your ego is the size of Montana.

I’m hoping it’s the former.

I’ve had this domain for several years and done nothing with it. Now Blogging is going to get a chance.

This site will undergo many style changes in the upcoming months, as I have no real idea what I’d like the end product to look like. What I do know is that I’ve spent several years in the industry and know the difference between a point, a pica, and a pixel. I know that the Internet is a wealth of information and misinformation, and anyone can discover just about anything online if s/he looks long enough. I know that my mindset has undergone many changes in the last few years, and will doubtless undergo more as I get older. Growth is change. Stagnation, to me, is worse than death. If I cannot change, just dig me a hole, throw me in and cover me with dirt.

Okay, I’m shuddering at the seven-year-old prose, but that’s because as a writer, I can’t stand most of what I wrote years ago. The style changes aren’t just visual.

We’ve had style changes, and will have another one soon. I was trying to get it done by today, but life got in the way. I’m not as married to anniversaries and deadlines as I was years ago.

In the last seven years, this blog went from being a fairly personal, diary-type blog with bits of current events thrown in to what you see today: A blog that devotes itself to Israel and Jewish issues, with bits of personal events thrown in. A blog with some superb co-bloggers (Snoopy and Soccerdad), with room for more in the future, I’m sure.

I’ve added podcasting to my online repertoire, and gained hundreds of new friends, and thousands and thousands of readers. This blog went over 2 million hits on Sitemeter earlier this year, which lowballs my stats, and which I started a year or two after I started this blog. I’d venture to guess my readers my hit count is about a third higher than sitemeter says. One thing that hasn’t changed is my pages-to-hits ratio. It’s always at least 1.5, and often close to 2. When you read, you really read around here—Sitemeter says I have nearly 3 million pageviews.

I gave up trying to figure out my wordcount. But I’m thinking that’s in the millions as well—a long essay post is often about 800-1000 words, not counting quotes. It’s pretty easy to hit seven figures when you post pretty much every day for six years. (I didn’t post every day the first year.)

I don’t know if I’ve got anyone from the early, early days. I had a few dozen readers at first, then about two hundred per day, then a steady climb up until about a year ago. I’ve stayed pretty static. I get about 1,800-4,500 hits per day, depending on which stat counter you use. I think I’ll split the difference and call it 3,000 readers per day. It’s not that big, and not that small, and I appreciate you all coming back day in and day out. My biggest challenge is trying to read your minds. I’m thinking I must have succeeded somewhat, because I’m still here, and you’re still here.

If you senior readers want to shout out your handles and how long you’ve been reading in the comments thread, go ahead. I don’t require real information, or even an email address. Just give yourself a name of some kind, and tell all the young whippersnappers when you started reading. I know one of my most faithful readers found me on my first blogiversary. Can anyone call pre-April 2002?

Anyway, here’s to seven more years. At least. And yes, there will be cat pictures. Some of you will complain, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. And even if you would, well, my blog. My cats. My rules. I may be a benevolent dictator, but I am a dictator, nonetheless. Seven years and counting.

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11 Responses to My seventh blogiversary

  1. CodeGator says:

    I think I stumbled on around 2004 or 2005. Your blog has always been fun and informative to read Meryl. Keep up the good work! :o)

  2. Rahel says:

    I think I found your blog in 2003 or 2004.

    Who could possibly complain about cat pictures?!

  3. jja says:

    Technically, I’ve been reading since before existed, from the days of Through The Looking Glass, Meryl’s pre-Internet BBS. Perhaps that doesn’t count, as ‘blog’ wasn’t coined until around 1998, and Meryl used TTLG for many non-bloggish activities.

    Are any other TTLGers around? I believe I’ve found Camwyn

  4. Joyce says:

    Count me in as a daily reader. I enjoy your blog. Thanks for writing. And the cute yellow kitty pictures remind me of our Sallycat. Ever since we got back from vacation, Sallycat wants to sit on my chest. She used to perch on my husbands arm even when he was typing away on his laptop. I am ready for her to go back to be his buddy, as its too hard to type with a nine year old cat sitting on your chest.

  5. Cynic says:

    I started reading your blog way back, too far for my memory but only started commenting much later. Is there any way to tell when I posted my first comment?
    I think it was one about what Israelis were feeling in the flesh with suicide bombers two for a penny at the time.

  6. That would be in the Haloscan comments. I could try to find it, but it’d be tough.

  7. Kat says:

    Hm…I know I started reading before I had my Saoirse na hOige site, which was sometime shortly after September of 2001. I think I discovered you through Michele, or Michele through you. Something like that. My memory isn’t very good, but I know you were one of the first blogs I started reading on a regular basis. I really don’t comment much, but that’s more because I come here to learn, rather than discuss.

  8. Chris L. says:

    I’ve popped in and out of here since 2004 or maybe late 2003. I may have found this site through Israellycool. I could sense the media bias against Israel back then, but truthfully, I didn’t know squat about Israeli history or politics (and still have a lot to learn). If ever I wanted to discuss Israel with anyone, I felt that I lacked the proper background. Meryl has done a spectacular job pointing out the media bias – I wonder if there are times when it gets tiring. If it were me, both the AP and Reuters would’ve sent me over the edge a long time ago. But somebody’s got to point it all out, right? Happy blogiversary, Meryl. Keep up the amazing work.
    Chris L., Tampa, FL

  9. The Clarkes are here, Jay. Madd Hatter and Lisa poke their heads in from time to time. A few other BBSers found me, or at least, emailed me. Big Dick (remember him?) is the most recent. Can’t remember what I made him change his handle to when he logged on. Oh. Big Richard.

    You can find an archive of our old BBS wars somewhere. I’ll never tell, though. And kindly keep my handle to yourself… I have a reputation to uphold. I’ve been promoted to Master of Juvenile Scorn, don’t forget.

  10. Old Grouch says:

    Haven’t been the most regular of readers, but I added you to my bookmarks on March 10, 2002.

  11. jja says:

    I see. The Master of Juvenile Scorn. And without a grin…

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