Jimmy Carter: Senile or just plain stupid?

Jimmy Carter was interviewed by Ha’aretz on Sunday, Carter uttered what may be the stupidest thing I have ever seen from a world leader:

In a democracy, I realize that you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people. But in a democracy like Israel, there is a wide range of opinions and that counterbalances the disappointment that I have in not meeting with the people shaping Israeli power now in the government.

Did he really just say that he doesn’t have to talk to people in a dictatorship because their opinions don’t count?

That explains completely how he can hobnob with dictators and think so highly of them. That explains a whole lot, actually. Either that, or the man is going senile.

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11 Responses to Jimmy Carter: Senile or just plain stupid?

  1. David M says:

    The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 04/15/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Since he has been like this all along, I would say that it is a matter of his true beliefs coming out. If it is senility, then it is just a matter of eroding the filters that kept him from telling the truth.

  3. John M says:

    I think he’s pretty much so irrelevant now that it doesn’t matter much what he does. Still infuriating to watch, though.

  4. kev says:

    Why should we be surprised that Jimmah hates democracy? After all, the last time he tried it, it cost him his job.

  5. Star says:

    I believe that former President Carter was speaking to the voice individuals have in a democracy vs. a dictatorship. He was merely pointing out that in a dictatorship the individual does not have a voice. That one person speaks for all. In a democracy like Israel -there is potential for the voice of the people to influence government.

  6. Long_rifle says:

    So, did he say this with a straight face?

    Or did he use the “Dr. Evil voice”, and make quote marks with his fingers?

  7. astara says:

    I didn’t like it, when without anybody’s knowledge, the present Bushes dads former cabinet members, James Baker the 3rd, and Robert Gates, were engaged in going around visiting leaders of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Israel and other nations, calling themselves, “The Iraq Study Group”. Yet, they did. Infact, Baker of Baker & Botts, jumped in oil deal with the kurds, before it was legal. On their return, Bush Jr. put Robert Gates, in as Secretary of Defence, dispite fact he had lied under oath regaring the Iran-Contra,when in Reagons administration,with Congressional approval. Clinton states, she’ll have her husband, former President Clinton, and Bushes Father, G.H.Bush, continue their involvement in world government affairs-I don’t think, Bush the Father, ever wasn’t involved indirectly, behind the scenes. Hince, why not Carter then, who actually was a real Christian, and likely is trying to do good, even though, he is persecuted for his efforts. It figures.

  8. Rahel says:

    Sabba Hillel, I am not a mental-health professional and certainly no fan of Carter, but I am not certain that what happens in senility is that the filters disappear and the “true person” comes forth. It seems to me that in such illnesses, the patient may well be suffering in other ways, for example from alarm and frustration over his condition, fear of the future and so on. Other reasons for various negative behaviors may have to do with physical changes to the brain due to age and/or illness. Given all that, I am not sure that it is fair to say that what we see in a person suffering from dementia is his or her true character.

  9. Really? The Iraq Study Group went around without anyone’s knowledge that they were doing this? In spite of the fact that they were appointed by Congress? And all the world media were writing articles about what they were doing?

    Carter is being “persecuted“?

    1. to pursue with harassing or oppressive treatment, esp. because of religion, race, or beliefs; harass persistently.
    2.to annoy or trouble persistently.

    Really? People aren’t simply reacting to his idiocy? They’re persecuting him? For what reason?

    I don’t think that word means what you think it means. And I don’t think you have a logical leg to stand on in any of your arguments. You’re going to have to do a lot better around here if you want to have a serious discussion about the issues. We are very fond of fact-based arguments at my weblog. In fact, I insist on them. If you can’t back up your points, you’re going to look pretty silly.

    As for this “real Christian” stuff—wtf is that supposed to mean? By implication, the people you mention are not “real” Christians?

    I would NOT go down that road. You’d best read the comments policy. There’s a link to it at the end of every post.

  10. Maggie says:

    Jimmy Carter is blight on the presidency,
    current and past. He needs to have his
    passport yanked, sent home to sulk, and
    told to shut up and build houses.

  11. Long_rifle says:

    “Hince, why not Carter then, who actually was a real Christian, and likely is trying to do good, even though, he is persecuted for his efforts. It figures.”

    Trying to do good doesn’t mean ignoring the obvious.

    Hamas, and it’s charter states clearly that the ONLY way they will stop killing Jews is:

    A. They’ve already killed them all.

    B. They leave the middle east and NEVER return.

    A GOOD person will look at that and realize you can’t help people with that much hate.

    A GOOD person would use his fame and power to bring this to light.

    A GOOD person would go on TV and let the world know about the Pali’s teaching their children from birth to hate and despise Jews and non-muslims. And that peace can never happen as long as it was allowed to continue.

    A GOOD person would point out when he can that Hamas using civilians as shields and “go-fers” is a WAR CRIME.

    But hey. I guess “good’ is a relative term.

    I support the REAL good Carter has done, but will freely point out when he slips over towards “stupid”.

    And the needles pegging “Stupid” right now.

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