Tigger update

Well, Monday was his best day since he got really sick. He had a decent day Tuesday, and I can’t tell you much about Wednesday because I spent half the day at the hospital with a six-year-old while his mother was getting things done at the house and spending time with the other kids. I took him to the vet for sub-q fluids first thing this morning. He was lively enough to give the tech a hard time, and flash her a very nasty look before getting back into the carrier.

Tiggerstan's borders: Shrunk, but not yet gone But he’s back to barely eating. I just watched him eat a few bites of his dry food again, but he’s not eating enough to maintain his weight. He’s down four-tenths of a pound from Monday. And the weight loss compounds the problems due to kidney failure. He’s on a downward spiral, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

That said, he seems to be relatively happy. I hate the boniness, but he’s no longer confined to four square feet of my kitchen. He goes upstairs to the office and sleeps in his new box-bed. He comes downstairs, or I bring him downstairs, and he spends the day in the sun. At night, he sits underneath my Jeep. Because it’s his, you see. Everything that’s mine is his.

I think I passed the point of no return last weekend. I know that when the end comes, it’s going to hit me hard, but for now, I’m just going to make Tig’s days as comfortable as possible.

The Independent Republic of Tiggerstan’s borders have shrunk, but the nation still remains. And it seems fairly content most of the time. This one was taken yesterday, before I left for the hospital. It was shorts and t-shirt weather, and Tig made the most of it.

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4 Responses to Tigger update

  1. Kim says:

    Bony or not, he still looks gorgeous. And he does look very content.

  2. John M says:

    Yeah, I think he looks fine. Meryl’s obviously doing a great job of keeping him comfortable unders such trying circumstances.

    We have an old kitty (18) who’s lost his sight and is very slow but is still relatively solid. But he’s losing the ability to navigate and kind of wanders in circles. And use of the litterbox has become very spotty.

  3. That’s because you don’t see the bad pics of him. I have a shot of him stretching out on his back and showing his now-lean belly. It’s quite a change from that gigantic space that I couldn’t cover with both hands for a bellyrub.

    He’s having a bad day today. The roller-coaster is killing me.

  4. Old Grouch says:

    “I’m just going to make Tig’s days as comfortable as possible.”

    Sometimes that’s all you can do, and that hurts. But it will be enough for him. You’re a good person for making his last days so, and not giving up too soon.

    (Hope you don’t mind me stealing a couple of pictures for a post.)

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