One dead, three dead, ten dead terrorists

You have to like these numbers.

Six in one blow:

A missile fired from an Israeli aircraft killed six Hamas operatives travelling in a car in central Gaza on Monday, Palestinian officials said. The military said they had been targeted as participants in terror activities.

Three more:

An Israeli aircraft fired at gunmen east of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip on Tuesday, the army said. According to witnesses, at least three people were killed, all of them members of the al-Quds Brigades, the Islamic Jihad’s military wing.

Military sources said that the gunmen were members of a cell which used to fire at combat engineering forces operating near the fence in the past few weeks.

And one from the PFLP:

Israeli troops shot and killed a Palestinian gunman in an operation in the West Bank city of Nablus before dawn Tuesday, the army and Palestinian doctors said.

The soldiers operating in the al-Ein refugee camp saw a Palestinian gunman who fired at them before they returned fire and hit him, the army said.

Palestinian doctors said a member of an offshoot of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine was killed with a bullet to the head.

And the lesson, boys and girls? Ten fewer Palestinian prisoners to trade. Ten fewer would-be murderers of Israelis. Ten fewer men to fire rockets, launch attacks, and otherwise terrorize Jews.

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4 Responses to One dead, three dead, ten dead terrorists

  1. John M says:

    Oh, come on Meryl, you know all those dead Palestinians were not “gunmen”, they were actually “pregnant mothers” or “innocent schoolgirls”. That will be the story anyway.

  2. Ed Hausman says:

    If they weren’t wearing uniforms, then they were “civilians”!

    Meanwhile, what’s the news on the kindergarten those civilians hit with a rocket today?

  3. John M says:

    That wasn’t a “kindergarten”, it was a “bastion of Zionist oppression”

  4. Joel says:

    I just got the news. Thanks for brightening my day Meryl! I must be a rotten guy as I get so thrilled whenever Pali terrorists are wasted.

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