Now we are six

Today is my sixth blogiversary. What have six years of blogging brought me?

  • Friends from all over the country and the world
  • Words of encouragement
  • A million and one jokes
  • Veterinary advice
  • Post and podcast ideas
  • Job possibilities
  • Actual jobs

On April 22nd, 2001, I became a blogger with no real idea of what I was doing, or how long I’d be doing it or, in fact, why I was doing it. It just felt right for the time.

Six years ago, I had no idea that I’d have readers from all over the world. Six years ago, I had no idea that I’d come to know so much about Israel and the world Jewish population. Six years ago, I had no idea I’d be voting for George W. Bush in 2004. Six years ago, I had no idea how big a part of my life this blog would become, or the influence it would have on my own life.

I have friends all over the world who I’ve only met via our blogs. I have friends who have come to visit me from all over the world, and who I know I can visit if I’m ever in their part of the world. I have a hunch that I could travel to every state in the nation and not need to spend a dime in hotel fees. Bloggers and blog readers are an extremely generous group of people.

When things are going badly in my life, my readers help me through the tough times. I get words of encouragement from people I’ve never met, but whom I’ve come to know and like. I have a friend I met via my blog who gives me everything from tax advice to proofreading to free legal advice. (And she’s a damned good friend, too.) Blogging got me a free consult with a small animal specialist when my regular vet was screwing up my cat’s diagnosis. My readers gave me and advice and comfort from cat lovers all over the world (thanks to Lair Simon for alerting the world of catbloggers, whose number are legion), not to mention hits on the tipjar (thanks, Hugh, for your steadfast presence there every single month).

Need posting ideas? Just wait for them to flood in. Need help on a podcast? Put up a post asking for song clips and within minutes, you’ve got ’em. Need help answering a question on almost any topic? Ditto. Need a coblogger or three? Advertise. I haven’t met half of my cobloggers yet. I hope to someday have met them all.

When I moved to Richmond from New Jersey, I knew a total of one person: a friend that I met pre-blogging days. But even before I came to Richmond, Larry G., a regular reader, had emailed me and told me to get in touch with him when I came south. He and his wife are now among my closest friends, and his children call me Aunt Meryl. Oh. And now Sarah has a blog, too.

I am currently working a contracting job in northern Virginia that I got through Janet and Chris, two friends I met through my blog. We’d exchanged emails for a long time and finally met about two years ago (and Oh. My. God. do they have the coolest collection of ST memorabilia I have ever seen in my life). They helped me find kosher stores in the northern VA area to supplement the lame choices in the Richmond area. But even better, Janet had me come to their workplace for a meet-and-greet with their boss. That turned into a job a few weeks later that shows every sign of becoming permanent. So yes, blogging got me a job.

One of the best things that happened during my recent job search was finding that my blog doesn’t seem to make a difference to my prospective employers (the ones that actually Google my name and find it, that is—I was shocked at how few really do). I was never forced to make a choice between my blog and my job. I suppose I could give blogging up if I really had to, but it would leave a great, gaping hole in my life for a long time.

I ran a BBS for seven years before it petered out (due to the ascension of UseNet, CompuServe, AOL, GEnie, and the other precursors of blogging). I’m not seeing signs of tiring of this blog yet. I am feeling liike it’s time to make some kind of change again, but hey—go reread my first post. Life is change.

Here’s to six more, and then six more, and then six more….

The previous blogiversary posts:
First anniversary post
Second anniversary post
Third anniversary post
Fourth anniversary post
Fifth anniversary post

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15 Responses to Now we are six

  1. Rahel says:

    Q. What’s gray, sits in front of the computer and smiles?

    A. An elephant reading Meryl’s blog.

    Q. What’s gray, sits in front of the computer and sighs?

    A. An elephant waiting for Meryl to post more cat pictures.

  2. Herschel says:

    Mazel Tov, and keep up the good work.
    I love how you cut through the BS and tell it like it is!

    I am just one of your many readers that appreciates your blog.

  3. Chairwoman says:

    Happy Blogiversary!

  4. Bob says:

    Rahel – I wish you hadn’t given the answers to your questions. We could have had some fun coming up with those punchlines.


  6. velvel in decatur georgia says:

    Mazel tov, shvester. Even when I’ve gotten a scolding from you I don’t much mind. Be healthy and patient and keep it going!!!

    Now, what do you think of this one (from YNet):
    Memorial ceremony excludes bereaved father

    Hod Hasharon local council cancels participation of bereaved Reform rabbi in memorial service due to threats from Orthodox

    Itamar Eichner
    Published: 04.22.07, 17:33 / Israel Culture

    Rabbi Micky Boyden, a Reform rabbi from Hod Hasharon, lost his son, Jonathan, in Lebanon in 1993. He was recently asked by the soldiers’ memorial organization Yad Labanim to recite a prayer at the city’s annual memorial service for fallen soldiers and victims of terror.

    However, members of the town’s Orthodox community threatened to disrupt the ceremony if Rabbi Boyden, a Reform Jew, would chant the prayer.

  7. plum says:

    Happy Blogiversary! Hope there will be many more to come.

  8. sultan knish says:

    happy anniversary or blogaversary, just had my own second and I never saw myself doing it for that long either

    I think most people begin on a whim and some find it rewarding enough to stick with it

    I’m glad it’s proven rewarding for you

  9. Jack says:

    Happy blogiversary.

  10. Rob says:

    Congratulations, Meryl.

  11. chsw says:

    Mazal tov on your blogiversary. To 120.


  12. Congratulations, Meryl. May the next six years be as rewarding as the last six.

  13. physics geek says:

    Here’s hoping for many more years of you blogging.

  14. Elisson says:

    Mozzil Tove.

    I have an enormous blogroll, but your site is a daily “must visit.” And when things get too depressing, along comes the Hulk or Tig and Gracie to lighten things up.

    Many more happy years…and may your Online Journaling continue to have a place in your life.

  15. Ezzie says:

    6!? That’s crazy. Happy blogiversary.

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