On the policy of understatement

My friends (especially some of them that are more into newspaper business than I am) always try to calm me down when I go on a rave about the titles some articles carry. It is not the authors, they tell me, it is the editors who perpetrate these small crimes (mainly crimes of stupidity, which is not considered a crime in most places and cases anyhow). Still, I do like some moderate raving from time to time – gets your old red cells moving.

The title that got me raving this time is Hamas fails to condemn Eilat bomb that killed three from Independent. I don’t know whether this title is invented by a bored/stupid editor or by the author (Donald Macintyre), but it could not be farther from reality.

Macintyre himself does confuse the issue even more:

Hamas, which controls the Palestinian Authority, notably refrained from condemning the bombing, with one of its Gaza spokesmen, Fawzi Barhoum, calling it a “natural response” to Israeli military policies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as its boycott of the authority. ” So long as there is occupation, resistance is legitimate,” he said.

So, the article offers a spectrum of options, from “fails to condemn” via “refrained from condemning” to “calling it a natural response”.

I am an admirer of the British knack of understatement. Its pinnacles like this one from Wiki rarely fail to fill me with joy:

Event: British Admiral David Beatty had just watched two of his battle-cruisers explode and disintegrate under German fire at the Battle of Jutland, May 31, 1916. Comment: “There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today…”

But in the case of this Indy’s article I seriously doubt whether pegging an outright support of the homicidal act as a failure to condemn it is an understatement.

Or just too much eagerness to embellish the stark and ugly reality of Hamas and what it stands for.

Bloody Indy – and this is an understatement of the century.

Cross-posted on SimplyJews

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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3 Responses to On the policy of understatement

  1. Mike @ Buenos Aires says:

    The Spanish translation (published down here in the leftwing rag Pagina/12) was way worse :

    “Primer ataque en meses en Israel que Hamas no condenó”

    This translates to :

    “First attack in months in Israel not condemned by Hamas”

    implying that on all previous attacks, the Hamassholes issued proper condemnation….

    Well, it’s par for the course for this “newspaper” anyway.

  2. ann says:

    Hamas never condemns suicide bombers because they are the ones who usually send the suicide bombers. Remember,these are the same people who called the terrorists who murdered the pregnant Jewish lady and her infant daughtes “heros”.Thye hold huge celebrations everytime there is a suicide bombing and innocent people get killed inside Israel. Such lovely people aren’t they? And then they have the gaul to call the Jews or anyone else “babykillers”.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    Notice also that the spokesman refers to the bombing as “a natural response” to Israeli occupation, etc.

    In other words, even when speaking in English to western journalists, he says in effect that suicide bombing is acceptable until, in effect, Israel gives up on Palestinian terms. Since that won’t happen, the murder bombings will continue. I wonder what he says in Arabic to his own people.

    By the way, Meryl, the English may have a gift for understatement but the World Championship Understatement Trophy was given to Japan and retired in 1945 when Hirohito set an unapproachable record for understatement. In his rescript announcing the surrender he sayd, “The war has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage.”

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