Ahmadinejad and blood traitors

The Jews known as Neutered Karta, er, sorry, Neturei Karta, met with Jew-hater and wanna-be Jew-killer Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today, and found him—good.

WCBS-TV gained exclusive access to the event, held at the Intercontinental Hotel in Midtown. There, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad railed against Zionists, meaning the Israelis.

“They have no respect for the lives and dignity of the Jews,” Ahmadinejad said through a translator. “If they could they would destroy 6 billion people in the world.”

And then he made a chilling prediction about the future of Israel.

“But their time is ending. God willing,” he said.

And the rabbis, who believe Israel’s founding violated God’s will, couldn’t have been happier. One even went so far as to praise the controversial leader.

“God should give you long life and health and strength and not to be intimidated by the attacks of Zionism, that is attacking you as being anti-Semitic, which is a pure ploy of Zionism to intimidate people,” one rabbi said. “They shouldn’t speak up against their illegitimate state.”

I know it’s not in any way in my hands, but y’know, I’m thinking that Gd is not pleased by the actions of Jews who hobnob with the would-be murderers of Jews. Boy, are you going to be in trouble when you die, boys.

I should like to point out that of the 15 million Jews in the world, the Nuttery Karta number only about 5,000. Unfortunately, the bastards are major publicity hounds and are at every major anti-Israel event in the world, meeting with Jew-hating dictator after Jew-hating dictator, and finding them all just ducky.

Eff you, Neutered Nutters, and may you be Karted off before long. How you can hate your fellow Jews so much is beyond me. However, gotta say, the feelings getting rather mutual.

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7 Responses to Ahmadinejad and blood traitors

  1. Dan says:

    The lunatic from Tehran also had dinner with some Council of Foreign Relations types, and at the dinner were some actual survivors of the camps. They tried to tell their stories to the lunatic, so as to convince him that yes, there really WAS such a thing as the Holocaust.

    All to no avail.

    Some of the Fourth Estate were present for the dinner as well, and they recorded that the lunatic stood firm on the Holocaust being exaggerated, and also stood firm on Tehran proceeding towards the bomb.

    People simply refuse to take him and the ruling council seriously. And absent a mushroom cloud rising over some city someplace, they probably never will. Not until it’s all too late.

    You know, Chamberlain never had a Chamberlain to serve as a cautionary.

    I think they’re going to get the bomb. And I think a consensus has been reached in Washington that the UN will do nothing, and that it’s up to us. But that would mean unilateralism, and unilateralism has acquired a bad odor. Additionally, unilaterally preventing them getting the bomb has been deemed simply too costly. So I think all we’re likely to see from Washington from here on out, is nothing but bluff, and empty, yellow talk.

    The reason that the administration continues to say its working with the UN is that it allows those in power to continue to dodge. And afterwards, after they get the bomb, GW will be able to say he tried to work with the UN, but that it was the UN which failed, not him. But this isn’t about GW. This is now about the establishment in Washington. They’ve reached a conclusion, this has been thrashed out in editorials, columns, cocktail parties and interoffice memos. And everybody seems to harp on the DIRE consequences of preventing them getting the bomb, and harp on the INEVITABILITY of them getting the bomb, but nobody seems to allow themselves to think of the charred remains of little kids, or neighborhoods and cities reduced to dust and ash.

    The establishment badly let us down, and that played itself out on 9/11. But AFTER 9/11, to try to continue with those policies regnant on September 10th, policies DEMONSTRABLY proven to be suicidal, it’s simply bizarre. It’s pathological.

    History isn’t going to buy this little veil that the establishment thinks they can toss up. A scorching and searing review of the actions of this country vis-a-vis Iran is going to be made, and the nonsense of the UN is going to be seen as exactly that, nonsense. Whatever the UN does, or doesn’t do, is NOT a serious reason for allowing Tehran to go nuclear. Nobody is going to ask what the UN did to prevent Iran getting the bomb, but a hundred years from now, everybody who studies the subject will ask how was it that the United States allowed such a regime, devoted to mayhem and death, to get their hands on weapons of supreme slaughter.

    The consensus opinion, which transcends both parties, and finds its epicenter in the State Department is prevailing. And that’s why we’re continuing down this UN path.

    If you’ve noticed of late, GW’s ENTIRE foreign policy seems to be channelled exclusively through the auspices of the United Nations.

    So much for the unilateral cowboy. Actually, I’d prefer far more cowboy, and far less useless gabbing up on Turtle Bay, {an apt locale for the United Nations HQ, don’t ya think}.

    But maybe the Texan will remember where he’s from, maybe a piercing ray of clarity will imprint itself upon his mind, maybe for a brief second he will see in his mind the aftermath of a nuclear detonation, and that will decide everything. And then he’ll ignore the establishment, disregard the incompetent CIA, scorn the State Department, defy the editorials, and do what needs to be done.

    What was that line from Henry V, that the Duke of Exeter delivered to his nephew: “Your brother kings and monarchs of the earth do all expect that you should rouse yourself, as did the former lions of your blood.”

    There doesn’t seem to be too much “rousing” in Washington. All we see are men eager for the quiet life, and desirous of remaining on the dole of the house of al saud, or getting on that dole.

    Well, time will tell, it will surely tell. And let us hope and pray that it has a kindly tale to unfold.

  2. Michael says:

    Maybe Nasrallah’s not the only fucker needing to get shot…

  3. Joel says:

    May God strike all those cockroaches dead.

  4. Robert says:

    I second that!

  5. Michael Lonie says:

    There is a problem behind the reliance on the diplomatic process over Iran’s violation of its treaty obligations under the NPT. First we probably do not have sufficient good intel to identirfy all the nuke production sites of Iran. Second they are most likely hardened beyond the capability of conventional munitions to destroy them. I am leaving aside here any squeamishness about killing civilians in the process of taking out Iran’s nuke industry.

    We do not have sufficient ground forces, short of complete national mobilization to conquer Iran. It will take years to buld the Army formations and weapons to carry out such a campaign. Remember that there is a big element in the USA that will oppose any such campaign and any such mobilization, for the Democrats see everything through the prism of partisan politics and the leftists like International Answer and their ilk are fighting against the USA just as the Islamists are. They are continuing the Cold War.

    An air campaign alone is not likely to succeed at destroying the Iranian nuke program, though it might, at great cost, slow it down. Thus we are faced with the prospect of making a preemptive nuclear attack on Iran to achieve the goal of denying nuke capability to Iran. There are immense pressures against such a nuclear strike on our part, even if everybody realizes that Iran is likely to lob a nuke at Tel Aviv just as soon as it gets one.

    What to do? For some time now I have advocated a two pronged approach, temporary deterrence and long-term overthrow. We should inform the Ayatollahs, in the bluntest terms possible, that if they attack anyone with nuclear arms, no matter who it is, we will destroy Iran with nuclear retaliation. No ifs, no ands, no buts, just nuclear fire immediately. Furthermore, if there is a nuclear terrorist attack anywhere in the world against anyone, and we cannot immediately determine that Iran did not provide the weapons, we will equally destroy Iran. And in either case there will be a cruise missile down that wel the 12th Imam is supposed to be hiding in.

    At the same time we should be supporting everybody trying to overthrow the Ayatollahs. We should support both the democratic movement in Iran and guerillas fighting the Pharaohs of Teheran. They must be overthrown. There will be no safety for anybody, including the Iranians themselves, unless some halfway decent consensual government replaces the madmen. To be blunt this is the Iranians’ task. If they want to live they must ovethrow the lunatics who rule them. They put these clowns in power 27 years ago. Their consent, active or passive, keeps them in power. It is their duty to cleanse their country of the Pharaohs before those Satan-worshipping madmen lead them into nuclear devastation.

  6. Gary Farber says:

    Um, “God is on my side” is possibly not the best argument.

  7. Michael Lonie says:

    Do you suppose The Lord is on the side of those who want to unleash genocide once again?

    I am not relying on a “Gd is on my side” argument. I expressed in the last paragraph the despicable nature of the Ayatollahs. You got a problem with that? I might have called them swine, but that is an insult to good-hearted pigs everywhere.

    If you have any counters or criticisms of the logic I use make them.

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