Hezbullah is Lebanon, Lebanon is Hezbullah

One of the world’s refrains was that Israel was “punishing” Lebanon instead of going after Hezbullah. Lebanon, you see, is completely separate fromt he terrorist organization (in spite of Hezbullah’s presence as legislators and cabinet ministers). Israel needs to distinguish between Hezbullah and Lebanon, the world said.

Apparently, not so much.

CAIRO (Reuters) – Lebanon said on Wednesday two Israeli soldiers captured by Hizbollah would not be released unless Israel was prepared to discuss a prisoner swap.

The unconditional release of the soldiers, whose seizure by the Lebanese Hizbollah guerrilla group in a cross-border raid on July 12 sparked a 34-day war, is called for in the preamble to a U.N. Security Council resolution that brought about a ceasefire.

The same preamble “encourages” the settling of the issue of Lebanese prisoners detained in Israel.

“Neither of the two Israeli soldiers will be released unless there are negotiations over the exchange of Lebanese and Israeli prisoners,” Lebanese Foreign Minister Fawzi Salloukh told reporters at an Arab foreign ministers’ meeting in Cairo.

Hizbollah has two ministers in the Lebanese government.

Notice how Reuters fails to point out that Hezbullah also has 14 (out of 128) legislators. Big shock there.

Go ahead. Tell me again how Hezbullah and Lebanon are separate. Because it’s not like, say, Hezbullah soldiers are actually Lebanese. They’re mostly using Iranian money. The footsoldiers are Lebanese Shia.

And gee, whatever happened to that groundswell of negative opinion that was going to punish Hezbullah after the war? It’s all but disappeared. Guess those pundits were wrong, eh?

Shyeah. When Muslim voices don’t carry the standard anti-Israel propaganda, mayhem and murder follows. You won’t see the Lebanese go after Hezbullah. Not when they keep saying things like the above.

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One Response to Hezbullah is Lebanon, Lebanon is Hezbullah

  1. chsw says:

    Lebanoballah. Say it, bubbulah. See a previous comment on an earlier blog post.


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