Hamas kassam attacks exposed; world yawns

The IDF says that Hamas was directly involved in the latest kassam rocket attacks that wounded one Israeli. The day before, a rocket landed on a child’s bed a few minutes after the child left for school. (But these “crude, homemade rockets” “rarely cause damage,” as the AP and Reuters would have you believe.)

Israel Defense Forces sources on Tuesday blamed Hamas for direct involvement in the barrage of Qassam rockets fired at Sderot on Tuesday that wounded one woman.

The accusation is the second of its kind made over the past week, the first after renegade Hamas gunmen were said to have fired Qassam rockets that landed near the Sderot house of Defense Minister Amir Peretz.

The sources said Israel would take the apparent Hamas involvement in the rocket fire into account when considering responses to Qassam cells.

So how does the AP report the rocket incidents falling on Israeli homes? By neglecting to report them at all. Note the lack of context in this article. It makes no mention of the hits and damage that have occured in Israel lately.

Meanwhile, Israeli aircraft fired missiles at a street in northern Gaza and at a building in Gaza City early Wednesday, witnesses said. No one was hurt.

Witnesses said the street targeted was a launching area for rockets aimed at Israel. Less than an hour earlier, Israeli aircraft fired missiles at a facility of the militant Popular Resistance Committees in Gaza City. The PRC claimed responsibility for firing nine rockets at an Israeli town on Tuesday.

Later Israeli aircraft fired three more missiles at empty fields, residents said. Israel often targets launching areas in northern Gaza with artillery and air strikes.

“Launching areas” — what an innocuous term. In reality, the “launching areas” are the equivalent of the enemy’s artillery fire. But you will never see a major media outlet admitting that the palestinians shooting rockets into Israel is anything other than, well, kinda like sending a bunch of fireworks heading towards Israel.

Except these fireworks have killed.

But let’s get back to the point:

Palestinians fired at least six Qassam rockets at Sderot yesterday, lightly wounding one woman and sending another into shock. Two of the rockets hit houses in the Negev town. An examination of the rockets showed that the Qassams fired yesterday are models that only Hamas builds. These models are more likely to cause damage than the models used by other Palestinian groups.

I guarantee you that this information will not show up in the AP or Reuters reports if the IDF does start targeting Hamas (and frankly, I think they should).

Read the full article that I linked last for the list of Hamas involvement in current terror attacks. There is no truce. There is only the appearance of truce, and Hamas’ not running full-fledged suicide attacks by their own members at the moment. As soon as the Hamas leadership decides that there is no more use in the “truce,” off will come the gloves.

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One Response to Hamas kassam attacks exposed; world yawns

  1. You have a point when you point out the anti-Israel bias in the media.

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