Hamas non-moderation watch, cont.

Hamas isn’t showing any signs at all of moderating.

DOHA, May 10 (Reuters) – Palestinian militant group Hamas urged supporters around the world on Wednesday to send it arms, fighters and money to back its fight against arch-foe Israel. “We ask all the people in surrounding Arab countries, the Muslim world and everyone who wants to support us to send weapons, money and men,” Hamas political leader Khaled Meshaal said in a speech at a pro-Palestinian event in Qatar.

“You should not shy away from of this. This is resistance, not terrorism,” said Meshaal whose group — sworn to the destruction of Israel — leads the Palestinian government.

Prominent Muslim cleric Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi told the event Muslims should boycott banks refusing to transfer funds to the Palestinians after Washington said it could penalise banks that help provide money to the Hamas-led government.

Can we stop pretending they will, or are people insisting on pretending that the above never happened?

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3 Responses to Hamas non-moderation watch, cont.

  1. Steven says:

    I just read the online discussion at the Washington Post with the producer of the PBS Frontline report from last night and that person clearly believes that Hamas will moderate. It is really a joke, no matter what Hamas says even someone so close can not see the forest from the trees!

  2. lplimac says:

    “You should not shy away from of this. This is resistance, not terrorism,”

    Denial is a river in Egypt I hear, maybe Meshaal should move there, as it’s close enough. What a maroon. If it looks like terrorism, smells like terrorism and sounds like terrorism then it’s terrorism.

  3. Li'l Mamzer says:

    I wish the Israelis would co-opt the word ‘resistance’ and use it in the context of fighting Arab terrorism and Arab pro-terror PR.

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