What truce?

The Israeli navy caught three boatloads of palestinians trying to smuggle more than a ton of explosives into Israel.

The Israel Navy recently foiled a Palestinian attempt to smuggle at least 550 kilos of explosives into the Gaza Strip, according to information released Tuesday.

The attempt was thwarted on Independence Day when naval troops south of Ashdod became suspicious of three Palestinian fishing boats. The three boats fled after throwing a number of bags containing explosive devices into the sea.

A gag order on the incident was lifted Tuesday.

In an inspection of the area Sunday, navy divers pulled 11 bags from the water, which contained of total of 550 kilograms of standard explosive devices.

Once again, the mainstream media will ignore this, just as it ignores the daily firings of kassam rockets into Israel, or downplays them as “crude,” “homemade,” or “ineffectual” (saw that one in a recent AP story).

A ton of TNT would make a hell of a lot of suicide belts, which generally carry 20-30 pounds of explosives. But sure, give the palestinians full control over Gaza, because, gee, they’ve proven themselves so trustworthy to date.

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2 Responses to What truce?

  1. The fishing trawlers were just out trolling for Arafish.

    The ones they caught slipped out of their bomb-vests.

  2. tommy says:

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