The Times and understatement

Check out this from today’s Times regarding Hamas’ stated attempts to destroy Israel:

“Our fate is to combine resistance and politics, but resistance remains the basis and politics only a branch,” said Mr. Meshal. “Being in power is only a means to an end for Hamas. Power is not our ultimate goal. If it becomes one, let power go to hell. It will not hold us back from our targets which we hold dear.”

Mr. Meshal, who is based in Damascus, was speaking at a memorial gathering on Thursday night. “We and the Zionists have a date with destiny,” he said. “If they want a fight, we are ready for it. If they want a war, we are the sons of war. If they want a struggle, we are for it to the end. We have more stamina than Israel and will defeat it, God willing.”

Mr. Abbas was a key negotiator for the P.L.O., but Mr. Meshal criticized its agreements with Israel creating the interim Palestinian Authority. “Those who talked about setting up a state before liberation lost both country and land,” he said. “A country can only exist on liberated land.”

Mr. Meshal’s comments did not suggest that Hamas would agree any time soon to the international community’s demands that a new Palestinian government recognize Israel, forswear violence and accept previous Israeli-Palestinian agreements.

Yeah, I know what you mean. If you’re talking about destroying a country and only forming a state out of “liberated” land, it isn’t exactly suggesting that you’d like to have peace with that country.

So that’s a great big “Tsk, tsk” from the Times regarding Hamas’ genocidal aims towards Israel.

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4 Responses to The Times and understatement

  1. What’s the dialing code for Liberated Land?

    I keep wanting to use 415.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Based on the attempts of the Hollywood left to suppress any speech that they disagree with (read sensible) I would not call it liberated. Then again, perhaps that is what they mean by the word.

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