Lost was a repeat?


I’d like to point something out to Drew, though. Last week, I think he unfairly impugned the female audience of Lost. Specifically, when he wrote this:

Momentary pause as women Lost fans across the nation experience flushed skin, heart palpitations and overall heightened pheromonal responses over that seductive bad-boy Sawyer and his cute new reading glasses.

Okay, I feel I must stand up for those of us who are not Sawyer fans. That is not to say that I don’t like looking at him. I do. However, he’s not number one on my hit parade. No, it ain’t Jack, either. And definitely not the hobbit.

Nope. I am desperately, hopelessly, and forever in love with: Daniel Dae Kim. Sorry, I simply swoon for those epicanthic folds.

And I should like to point out, that in the post-reunion episode, Daniel Dae Kim walked out of his tent, shirtless, and that is when the women of America (or at least, those of us who adore Kim) swooned. All that, and six-pack abs, too. You can keep your flabby Sawyer.

We’ll take this guy.

Daniel Dae Kim

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4 Responses to Lost was a repeat?

  1. He’s decidedly tasty, yes.

  2. ilyka says:

    Oh my, oh goodness, I gotta start watching that show.

    You know what I am a sucker for? Good shoulders. Good delts. That man has niiiice deltoids.

  3. Eric J says:

    It’s nice to see D.D. Kim achieve this kind of success and recognition- between his roles on B5:Crusade and the middle seasons of Angel he was becoming one of my favortie HITGs.

  4. Drew W says:

    Well, I get my feminine perspectives on “Lost” from my female office-mate, who’s a self-acknowledged Sawyerette, so that would probably skew my viewpoint.

    Most male “Lost” fans get hot and bothered over Evangeline Lilly, so it’s funny that off-set, she prefers the hobbit. In last week’s “Lost” plot summary, I desperately wanted to cut to the exterior of the Lilly/Monaghan trailer, where she can be heard screaming at Dominick, “Push the button! Push the button!”

    But that sort of filth would have been beneath me, I’m sure you’d agree.

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