Friday briefs

Crap science: Pass it along! Found this via Yahoo! News. Gee, I wish I was paid as much to blog as the people who write crap like this. See if you can find the cause for their bad teeth.

Can You Tell Who’s the Soda Addict and Who’s the Meth Addict?
[…] The AGD’s report was a case study comparing dental damage to three people: The first was a meth user; the second had previously used cocaine for a long time; and the third drank a boatload of diet soda—to the tune of two liters of the soda every day for three to five years. All three said they had poor oral hygiene and didn’t see a dentist regularly. Each substance—whether an illegal drug or soda—contained acid that caused dramatic erosion of each person’s teeth.

One of my very first blog posts was about stupid internet letters, like the one with the so-called many uses of Coca Cola.

This is actually one of my irrational fears: A small plane crashed into a Virginia apartment. I know it’s not a rational fear, but every time I hear a low-flying plane nearby, I think to myself, “Keep moving, pilot. That’s right. Keeeep moving.”

And yet, nobody’s complaining: A rich, liberal Democrat in favor of more taxation has bought yet another Virginia newspaper, but we’re not hearing anyone complain about how his opinions are going to change the face of journalism in Virginia. Why is that, I wonder? Oh, that’s right. Because he’s a liberal. That’s an acceptable bias, unlike being a conservative.

Buffett has said he will not try to influence editorial policies at the newspapers the company owns. Kroeger, the BH Media CEO, reiterated that message on Thursday.

“We value independently run newspapers,” he said. “Content decisions and editorial decisions are made locally.”


Missing the big story: While the news media is all over the American citizen who went to Syria and was killed in the fighting–a woman, no less–they’re missing this Hezbullah arms cache discovery in Nigeria. What’s more important? A poor, easily-influenced woman dying for a stupid reason, or terrorists planning attacks on Israel and the West building weapons-filled bunkers around the world?

The weapons, recovered in a raid that started Monday night at the Bompai area, included anti-tank weapons, guns, bombs, grenades and ammunitions. They were found concealed inside an armoury underneath a living room in the house, said to be occupied by a Lebanese.


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