What I’ve been up to

Writing and working. I’m overdue with book two, so I’m playing catch-up. It MUST get done before the Christmas rush.

Also, doctors. Alas, my tooth cannot be saved, so as of next Monday, I will have an odd number of teeth in my mouth. Damn you, resorption! (SO looking forward to not feeling any pain on the left side of my jaw someday, though.)

The good news is I’m two for two on my new writing schedule. I’ve set myself a goal of a thousand words per day on weekdays, more on days off. We shall see how close I can come to finishing the book by the end of the month.

The holidays are coming all too quickly this year. The media has gotten hold of the Thanksgiving/Hanukkah thing, and are calling it (sigh) Thanksgivukkah.

I hope to have book two out before Hanukkah. Read about Catmages while eating latkes. Now there’s a good way to celebrate.

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