The war between the cells

So apparently, the cells in my tooth are at war with one another. My tooth wants to stay the way it is, but cells (both external and internal) are trying to turn them into something else. It’s called resorption, and it’s related to calcium deficiency, which I had, big-time, a couple of years ago. I take calcium daily now.

My endodontist and periodontist are going to confer on whether they think they can save the tooth. If they can, I get the root canal that I did not have done today. Then I go back to the periodontist for more of the same from two weeks ago. If I can’t, well, I go to the periodontist and get the stupid thing pulled.

Some people might think I should just give up and have it pulled, already. Nope. I’ve come this far, by God, I’m going to see if the tooth can be saved.

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