Rocket fire from Gaza, again

Six rockets hit southern Israel today. No casualties; Iron Dome intercepted two and the rest landed in open areas. The big question is: Why?

“We’re pretty shocked at the whole thing,” said Sigal Moran, head of the Bnei Shimon Regional Council. “I still hope it was a mistake and not the beginning of another era of emergency routine.”

“We thought we’d have some peace. I hope it was sporadic and will not repeat itself, especially now that the kids are entering the summer vacation.”

There’s a report that the terrorist responsible for the rockets was killed by Hamas.

Ma’an reported Raed Qassim Jundeyeih died on Sunday after being shot the day earlier by Hamas police officers. According to the report, Hamas police went to Gaza City on Saturday to deliver summonsto a member of the Jundeyeih family, when members of the family opened fire at the officers.

If that’s the case, expect more rockets before this is done.

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