Monday, briefly

Awful: Looks like the piece of garbage that shot up a Sikh temple may have been a white supremacist, and thought he was killing Muslims. Because Sikhs wear turbans and many have darker skin. Asshole. Sikhism has nothing to do with Islam, and American Sikhs are good and hard-working citizens. And shooting up a house of worship because you don’t like what some of their co-religionists are doing? Awful, no matter who are the targets. My sympathies go out to the victims and their families.

Red Rover, Red Rover, let Curiosity come over: The Mars Lander made it to the Red Planet. Now we’ll find out if there are tiny green men on Mars. Wait, what? There aren’t? Damn.

The end of the Dorktator: Well, something I never thought would happen seems to be happening. When the prime minister defects, can the end of the Assad regime be far behind?

Ebooks surpass print sales at The publishing industry is changing. Well, I’ll be offering both for my novel, so my U.K. readers will have their choice.

Oh, now they’re going to close the Sinai to terrorists: Egyptians are fighting mad now that jihadis killed 16 Egyptian soldiers on their way to trying to murder Israelis. And here’s a curious statement by the Telegraph:

In comments that will deepen Egyptian anger over the attack, Mr Mordechai said the gunmen were “members of the global jihad based in Sinai, which has become a hothouse for world terrorism because of the weak control exercised” by Egypt.

What does the reporter think will deepen the anger? The fact that Israelis are pointing out the truth about Egypt’s lack of control of Sinai, or the fact that the terrorists were members of the global jihad? I’m thinking it’s the former, and if so, shame on the Telegraph. Really? Blaming the messenger? Really?

The IDF outdid themselves in stopping the terrorists. In fifteen minutes, the attack was over and the terrorists were dead. Oh, and Egypt has shut down the Rafah crossing with Gaza. And “completely surrounded” Rafah from the Egyptian side. Yeah, surrounding a town on one side is something that apparently can only be accomplished by the Egyptian army. Looks like Morsi’s new BFFs, Hamas, have a lot of ‘splainin’ to do.

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