Quick links

Lee Smith on whether or not the White House is behind the leaks about Israel’s Iran plans.

More preconditions, less talk, same-old, same-old.

The most amazing thing about yesterday’s tornadoes? No one was killed.

Hamas politico admits what everyone already knew: The Palestinians are immigrants to the land of Israel.

Really? Well get your own damned rituals. First faux mitzvahs, now this?

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3 Responses to Quick links

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    It is interesting that people are trying to play games. It is like people in California trying to make a big deal of signing a New York City marriage license for the “looks of it”. They might as well have their lawyer arrange to have a copy of their prenuptial agreement made by a calligrapher or an artist.

    Actually, the “artistic” Kesuva is really meaningless. The woman is not supposed to display it in public. She is supposed to put it away so that it can be used in bais din (court) “after a hundred and twenty years” so that she can get what she is legally entitled to as a widow.

    I am carefully not mentioning the other circumstance in which the kesuva would be used as that is something we all hope would never happen.

  2. Soccerdad says:

    So Newt Gingrich is a member of Hamas?

  3. Gary Rosen says:

    “Some stomp a glass — or a lightbulb as a popular substitute.”

    If they stomp on some of those crummy fluorescent bulbs I’m OK with that. Of course the mercury pollution would be appalling …

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