Monday morning briefs

Heroes all around: Two IDF soldiers “just doing their jobs” saved lives–one saved civilians, the other saved the soldier who stayed at his job, fixing the Iron Dome launcher, even at the risk of his own life.

Yes, and the Easter Bunny will bring them all pretty little colored eggs, too: The organizers of the March to Jerusalem insist that it won’t be violent. Sure. The fact that it’s sponsored by Tehran and counts Hamas, PIJ, and Hezbollah as sponsors or members makes it seem likely that another Mavi Marmara is in the making. And here’s what Mad Mahmoud has to say about it:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met on Sunday with participants of the Global March to Jerusalem where he said it was no longer legitimate for Israel to occupy any part of Palestine. “The Palestinians should be running the field and God willing that will happen soon.”

Oh, he also called Israel a “cancerous tumor” again. Totally peaceful. Right. Sure.

And yet, there is still a group called “Queers for Palestine”: A Muslim lesbian couple is asking for refugee status in Canada for fear they’d be murdered if they returned to Tel Aviv. And they probably would be. The police can’t protect them 24/7. And who are they afraid of? Not the Jews in Tel Aviv. The Muslims.

Speaking of Jerusalem: Daniel Pipes and the Middle East Forum held a discussion on the importance of Jerusalem in the Muslim religion. The upshot: Not very. At least, not until the Jews took it back.

The casus belli to attack Iran: Forget the nukes. Israel should attack them because Iran has been at war with Israel for decades, and it’s only getting worse now. Iranian military experts are operating freely in Gaza and the Sinai.

Seriously? Because I think he’s a total asshole: A.B. Yehoshua says that because I don’t live in Israel, I’m only a partial Jew, while he is a total Jew. Get a load of this awesome logic:

“… in no siddur is there a mention of the word ‘Jew’ but only ‘Israeli’. The name of our country and the territory is Land of Israel…”

That’s funny. I thought “Israel” was the name used for the Jewish people in the Siddur, but what do I know? I’m only a partial Jew. And not even an Orthodox one, at that.


This entry was posted in Iran, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Jews, Lebanon, palestinian politics, Religion. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Monday morning briefs

  1. Russ says:

    “Israeli”? Where does it say, “Israeli” in the siddur? I see “children of Israel” and “your people, Israel” and so on. But as far as I know, “Israeli” (as opposed to, say, Israelite) is fairly modern term. No?

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Actually, it does not say any of that. It does say “Bnei Yisroel” (transliterated from the Hebrew, but the original siddur does not have any English words in it. The siddur only has Hebrew and Aramaic.

    “Israeli” is used today in the same way that “Yehudi” (currently translated as “Jew”) is used in the megillah. Mordechai of the tribe of Binyamin, the “Yehudi” (from the country of Yehudah).

    Just because a person is an “Israeli” (from the current state of Israel does not mean that heesh is one of the people referenced in the siddur. After all, the State of Israel is one of the few nations in the world today that honestly accepts citizens of all origins and creeds. Just because a person is technically Jewish does not mean that what heesh does is “Jewish” or even “Israeli”.

    In fact citizens of the State of Israel are among the worst enemies of the Jews today. It is an insult to Yehoshua the succesor of Moshe Rabbeinu that this person (mis)uses his name.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    This is a joke website:

    This is a joke website:

    And oddly enough, this is not:

    You talk about self-hating Jews. These are people with a real cognitive dissonance problem.

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