Thursday briefs

The Revenge of Hezbollah: So far, it’s a fail, thanks to the tireless work of the Mossad. They foiled an attempt to assassinate Ehud Barak in Singapore. Here’s what really bothers me: How did they get a detailed itinerary of Barak’s trip?

It’s a good-news, bad-news kind of thing: The president of Croatia apologized to Holocaust victims. Meanwhile, fellow Nazi collaborator nation Poland has decided that it will put up hurdles and make it more difficult for Jews to reclaim Polish lands that were stolen from them during the Holocaust. Yeah, Poland still hasn’t paid its share of reparations, either. Three millions Jews lived in that nation before the Nazis did their awful work. Three million. No wonder they don’t want to pay reparations. Jewish history is filled with stories of nations throwing out the Jews and keeping all their money and property. You don’t have to go that far back, either.

In your face, Erdogan: Bibi Netanyahu is visiting Cyprus to strengthen ties between the two nations, and probably also to talk about the natural gas fields that Turkey and Lebanon are trying to steal from Cyprus and Israel. I’m guessing military ties are being strengthened as well. Actions have consequences, Erdogan. Israel knows who its friends–and enemies–are.

Yes, Hamas is still a terrorist organization that wants to destroy Israel, why do you ask? More rockets were fired from Gaza today. Of course there was a response, but it’s evidenly not one that is stopping the rocket fire. Here we go again. And no, I can’t find a single note in the AP about the rocket attacks. It’s apparently ot news unless a) Israelis are killed or b) Israel retaliates and wounds or kills Palestinians.

This entry was posted in Holocaust, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias, Turkey. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Thursday briefs

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    Even as we speak, Meryl, progressives all over the world, showing that their position on Israel is a matter of principle, far, far from anti-Semitism, are planning protests, marches, and boycotts of Turkey to protest its seizure of half of Cyprus, driving out thousands of Greek Cypriots, and building a barrier that cuts through fields and villages.

    My grandfather left Poland just before World War I, my mother and grandmother during it, and I wish I had thanked my grandfather for making sure that I had absolutely no connection to the country.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Hezballah probably called the press office in order to get the itinerary. Once a politician is going to a major venue like the air show, the publicity would be set up to include that. Also just setting up the security for the visit would give the information that they need. It is interesting that the Mossad is denying that they had anything to do with it rather than just “smiling enigmatically and letting everyone draw conclusions from the usual spy novel type “sources”.

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