Mitt Romney’s new talking points

Governor Romney, I have your new response to those who complain you pay too little in taxes. Go tell ’em your tax rates aren’t the problem at all. You’re rich enough that you won’t be using the White House as a springboard to becoming a multimillionaire.

Hillary and Bill Clinton got rich quick after leaving the White House, pulling in $111 million in total income from 2000 through last year, according to tax documents posted Friday evening on her presidential campaign’s website.

From the combined $358,000 they reported in 2000 to the $16 million they earned in 2001, their income increased by nearly 50 times in the first year after Bill Clinton left office, highlighting the lucrative opportunities awaiting former presidents.

The speaking circuit was especially good to Bill Clinton, who earned nearly $52 million from it, including millions in foreign income. And the two books each penned yielded more than $40 million, including an eye-popping $15 million advance paid to Bill Clinton for his 2004 autobiography, “My Life.” That’s $3 million more than what had been previously reported – which at the time was believed to be the largest book advance ever.

Hillary got over $10 million for her two books.

I don’t care that Romney’s taxes were in the 14-15% bracket. My effective tax rate for 2010 was 10.94%. That’s down from 11.65% the year before, and in 2007, the last year I was not a homeowner (and I was a contractor, paying all of my Social Security tax), my effective tax rate was 12.65%. So the rich dude is paying more, percentage-wise, than this firmly middle class taxpayer. I make more than the median income, but I’m far from rich. And I don’t have any issues with Mitt’s taxes. I want someone in office who isn’t there to make connections and become a mega-millionaire. The Obamas will be raking it in like crazy once he’s out of office. Wait for it. And I’m sure they’ll be using offshore accounts, too.

The Romney tax issue is sophistry, pure and simple.

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One Response to Mitt Romney’s new talking points

  1. Russ says:

    Facebooking this.

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