Thursday clean house briefs

(My crack squad of ninja housekeepers is on the job today, and the cats, they are under the bed.)

Obama and Islamists, sittin’ in a tree: High-level talks with the Muslim Brotherhood, whose raison d’etre has never changed.

Of course they are: Iran and Hezbollah are sending weapons to Syria to keep Assad in control in spite of the arms embargo. And so are the Russians. Hands up, all of you who are surprised about this. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Really? This is a top news story? Really? I wake up to a classical radio station, which uses NPR news, and this was the 7 a.m. lead news story: A video of four Marines pissed on the bodies of dead Taliban fighters. Sorry, but I can’t bring myself to muster the outrageously outraged outrage that so many are having today. Was it a good thing to do? No. Was it stupid? Unbelievably so, since they’re going to be identified and probably thrown out of the Corps. Does it merit lead story status? Hell, no.

Of course they do: The Iranians are not the only ones blaming Israel for the assassination of their nuclear scientist yesterday. The CSM, never a friend to Israel, wonders if they done it.

If I knew who Katy Perry was, I might care what her father thinks of Jews: So he pulls out the most anti-Semitic phrase in a sermon, then the media backlash begins, and suddenly, he no longer thinks you need to get Jews’ attention with money, but that he’s really, really, really sorry. Daughter must be hurting from the backlash, huh? Is she one of those people who are famous for being famous? Hey, Daddy Perry? Eff you.

They’re trying to kill Jews in the U.S.: A synagogue was fire-bombed. The synagogue is, and looks like, a house. The rabbi was almost killed in his sleep. The molotov cocktail caught his quilt on fire, and his hands were burned putting it out. Oh, and his wife and children were at risk, too. So where was this? Rutherford, NJ. Right near where the Giants play. And oh, yeah–it’s the fourth attack on Bergen county Jews in a month. So you think NJ Muslims are going to stand up and declare this kind of hate unwelcome, the way NJ Jews do when mosques are attacked?

This entry was posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Middle East, Syria. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Thursday clean house briefs

  1. Soccerdad says:

    Actually Katy Perry is famous for being a singer. Not a very good one in my book; but I’m old and much prefer the 60’s and 70’s.
    I guess that the administration is getting an assist from ol’ Jimmah in its talks with MB.

  2. ger says:

    When the ship was detained in Cyprus, the captain of the ship carrying Russian arms to Syria promised the Cypriots that he would not sail to Syria (crossed his heart, kissed his pinky), so they let him go. Of course, he didn’t exactly lie–he sailed to Turkey first, then to Syria.

    I am leaving for Cyprus immediately. I have a bridge I want to sell to them.

  3. Sabba Hillel says:

    At first, I thought that this was a political comment about Governor Rick Perry. When I followed the link, I realized it was about someone I had never heard of who is getting a divorce from someone else that I had never heard of whose father had been an idiot and would have been ignored had he not been the father of someone who had appeared on television.

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